Trump Gets Unexpected Proof of Just How Effective A Border Wall Can Be – IOTW Report

Trump Gets Unexpected Proof of Just How Effective A Border Wall Can Be

The Lid:

[…] “There was effectively no border in San Diego. It was a chaotic situation,” the agent told Trump as seen in a video posted to Youtube.

“We set it in place really just to delineate where the border was. And it changed our environment,” the agent added.

According to the agent, the number of illegals crossing at that spot fell by an amazing 95 percent. Ninety-five percent!

Needless to say, Trump was simply amazed.

“That’s 95 percent with a scrap metal wall that they just put together with excess materials,” the president said. “And it worked 95 percent.”

More on the story here

10 Comments on Trump Gets Unexpected Proof of Just How Effective A Border Wall Can Be

  1. A picture tells a thousand stories, doesn’t it? When I saw the comparison pictures on that large piece of cardboard POTUS Trump and the CPB agent were holding in that video, I was really stunned at the difference. The entire landscape was beaten down. I think Trump referred to it as a “scar.” It made me think of the pictures we see during BLM riots of people just streaming in and out of ruined shops with their stolen loot; smiling, cheerful, happy as clams. What is the difference between that, I thought, and Mexicans streaming in and out of America; smiling, cheerful, happy as clams? Both groups, BLM and illegal Mexicans (and others) are triumphant plunderers of American toil. How any American can be okay with that is a travesty.

  2. ..always one other thing: Once a significant barricade is in place, it seems to me the only people who will challenge it will be those who make their livings on an open border — drug and human traffickers. The average, unaided illegal crosser — for the most part — will not have the resources or nerve to go it alone. I think those comparison pictures make that point clear.

  3. No wall will stop the invasion completely but if we can get the flood to a trickle it will be manageable. Especially stopping these women with children who’re claiming their kids were born here and want their EBT card they’re entitled to.

  4. The lib states don’t want it because they get federal funding for the EBT cards and other giveaways, cut that off and it’s not worth it.

    Until then, build the goddamn wall!

  5. This is a President making good on a promise. When was the last time you saw that? I do not recall any past President who works as hard on carrying out campaign promises like Donald Trump! I voted for him knowing that he couldn’t do everything, but if he just accomplished 5% of what he said he was going to do he would be a better President than most. In the past thirteen months he has accomplished a LOT more than just 5% and it is turning this country around in a big way. Of course you won’t hear that on the news, but we can all see it!
    MAGA! (Making America Great Again)

  6. All I know is that I’ll feel a lot safer when construction finally begins on the wall, living in a border state ain’t easy when you’re a young woman. :l

  7. Nobody realized just how far Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, and I think every president since Eisenhower has sold the American public down the river on this issue.
    We need to get rid of the first and second generation anchor babies next, and that’s going to be the most challenging problem of all.


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