Trump Gives Harry Reid Another Black Eye After He Says He Wishes George W. Bush Was President ‘Every Day’ – IOTW Report

Trump Gives Harry Reid Another Black Eye After He Says He Wishes George W. Bush Was President ‘Every Day’

This surprised me. I didn’t know Harry Reid was still alive.
He certainly doesn’t look it.

DC: President Donald Trump went after former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Twitter Monday, hours after CNN published a wide-ranging interview with Reid in which he called the president a “human leech.”

“Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career,” Trump wrote on Twitter Monday. “He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!”

In the interview, Reid said he wishes former President George W. Bush were president again “every day,” even though Reid “famously called the 43rd president a ‘loser,’ and a ‘liar,’ and even the worst president the country ever had,” CNN’s Dana Bash wrote.

“[Bush] and I had our differences, but no one ever questioned his patriotism. Our battles were strictly political battles,” Reid said.  more here

21 Comments on Trump Gives Harry Reid Another Black Eye After He Says He Wishes George W. Bush Was President ‘Every Day’

  1. Harry Reid is one of the most contemptible person’s in American politics.

    To ponder that fact more to come up with a suitable retort to him actually lowers this writer to a level that I feel I need to take a shower and is still lacking in the accurate depth and breadth of this person’s sliminess.

    Harry, … go away.

  2. Thank you Captain Obvious. There is far more separation philosophically between Donald Trump and the eRepublicans than there is between the eRepublicans and the Democrat Party.

  3. “[Bush] and I had our differences, but no one ever questioned his patriotism. ” This b/s really pisses me off. We haven’t had a president this patriotic since the founding fathers.

  4. This is why Lazlo has a problem with the Mormon Church.
    Both Romney and Reid are up there in the hierarchy of the Church and both have pursued activities detrimental to our country and not a peep.
    They should publicly excoriate these worms and hang their hides on the fence


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