Trump Goes Out to Dinner with Family – Media Attacks “Lack of Transparency” for Not Inviting Them – IOTW Report

Trump Goes Out to Dinner with Family – Media Attacks “Lack of Transparency” for Not Inviting Them

Donald Trump went out for a steak dinner with his family on Tuesday and didn’t alert the media, so they freaked out and are attacking him for “Lack of Transparency.” Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.


38 Comments on Trump Goes Out to Dinner with Family – Media Attacks “Lack of Transparency” for Not Inviting Them

  1. What, tell the MSM so they can have a plant at a nearby table go off on a drunken rant at the Trumps, which will be all over the news the next day? I don’t think so.

    You’ve gotten soft, MSM. Completely forgotten how to ambush a President in eight short years.

  2. ‘These people are literally mentally ill.’
    Absolutely correct.

    OMG Donald Trump went to the men’s room and he didn’t invite Brian Williams and Rahel Madcow. How dare he lack transparency.

  3. Right Trump isn’t transparent.

    How about the fact HRC DITCHED her press on 9/11 after her incident.
    HRC would not do a press conference.
    HRC actually had the media in ropes that her campaign pulled around.
    HRC blocked out the press from all high end fundraiser the last several months.

    Don’t get me started on Obama.

    What are they going to do, publish negative stories and compare him to Hitler, Stalin, Nazis, the KKK, call him a white supremacist… oh right, they’ve already done all that.

  4. Trump is America
    He’s brash
    He can be uncouth
    He will go his own way
    He sees through the bullshit
    He gets things done his own way
    He realizes his own instincts are better than the accepted groupthink
    He could give a shit what the world thinks of him
    The world thinks he’s crazy
    The world thinks he’s not sophisticated
    The world despises him but still shows up with their hands out

  5. Went out for a Steak, with his family! Not demanding the White House chef prepare one on “Our” dime.
    I Like It!
    You notice the wait staff didn’t complain about the tip. Or lack thereof!

  6. The kiss-liberal-ass NOTmainstream media has been spolied by 8 years of the ‘most transparent administration’.

    It’s time the public starts greeting these political partisans with baseball bats.

  7. “Transparency” ??
    Consistent with their usual double standards, when did they ever challenge O about his total lack of “transparency”.

    e.g. To this day, nobody officially knows where he was the night the attack on the Benghazi embassy went down.
    (Notwithstanding the fact that they photoshopped him into a group photo.)

  8. This is difficult for duh press/pull. President t elect Trump went out for dinner with his family. Here is the hard part.
    Morons of duh media are not part of his family in any sense.
    As a famous hokey player used to say: Puck off!!!!

  9. It’s no use citing examples of obama’s or killery’s same behaviors and the press not caring about it. We haven’t won the war yet. We just won the battle of the electoral college and own the Hill, but there are now major fronts against the lying media, Geo. Soros and other PAC’s who are funding civil unrest, neocons and RINOs among the congress, foreign ‘allies’ who want globalism (open borders, especially), the UN, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and leftist-thinking plotters and schemers in all walks of life, not least, academia who are brainwashing the next generation of Utopianists.

    What could have been a feel-good story about Trump and his family taking a much-deserved break to break bread and give thanks turns into wild speculation about how the size and cut of his steak and how he eats it signals to the world his antisemitism.

    I hope he not only “breaks protocol” (a fancy, made up term that so fully describes everything that is wrong with the “press”), I hope he continues to speak directly to us, The People, using Twitter and instant messaging. And if push-to-talk was widely in use, I’d prefer that.

  10. TonyR — He didn’t ditch his protection detail. And a four-block area was shut down around the restaurant. I think the story at CTH said he had an 8-car motorcade and only NYC press was allowed to wait outside the restaurant, if they wanted to. 🙂

    It’s Reuters, AP, etc. who are butt hurt. Professional courtesy and all…

  11. I think we should follow our new Presidents lead. Turn off the MSM and go out and have dinner with the family Every Tuesday. Find a nice local conservative family owned restaurant and order Steaks, if you can still afford them after the last 8 years. Me, I’m in the Burger and Fries bracket for now, but I’m hopeful I’ll be in the Steak bracket again by this Summer.

  12. Cracka Az – the sole reason beef and a lot of other foods have gotten so damn expensive during the last 8 years of the New Depression is because of the Environmental Industry’s insistence on maintaining the ethanol fuel subsidy, funded by us taxpayers. It’s taken a shitload of corn off the normal agricultural markets and required them to be shunted to the ethanol market.

    The Agrobusiness giants ConAgra, ADM Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill love it. The Environmental Industry loves it. So it must be – and IS – BAD. Artificially high corn prices due to ethanol have directly caused huge price increases on foods that are corn-based. And it has caused massive starvation and economic hardship in Central America and South America, driving their poor over our porous Obama borders. IT’S ALL EVIL.

    A Trump Presidency will shitcan the ethanol subsidy and corn prices will go back down to where they should be.

  13. This is GREAT!

    The more the MSM whines like this NOW
    about such meaningless topics,
    the less and less their legitimacy will be
    when he finally takes office and brings down the hammer.

  14. Trump giving his middle finger to the press once again, was icing on the cake for me. Last night we went to our TEA Party Trump victory celebration and then I saw the story of sad press. HA, Ha, ha! Yes.

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