Trump Has Raised More Than $88 Million Ahead Of 2020 Bid – IOTW Report

Trump Has Raised More Than $88 Million Ahead Of 2020 Bid

DC: President Donald Trump is raising an absurd amount of money heading into the 2020 election cycle, giving him a serious boon against Democrats.

Trump’s campaign arm has raised in excess of $88 million over the past year and a half and, as of June, has roughly $53.6 million in the bank, The New York Times reported.

The president has broken practice from other administrations, beginning the fundraising and campaign efforts immediately after Trump defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Many administration’s wait until after the first midterm elections of their first term before launching an official re-election campaign.

Three prominent Trump committees have raised over $17 million in the second quarter of 2018. In total, the committees spent in excess of $8.5 million during the second quarter.  more here

7 Comments on Trump Has Raised More Than $88 Million Ahead Of 2020 Bid

  1. “88 million could build like…. 600 yards of the border wall”
    88 million plus a republican landslide could be the whole enchilada. Maybe wall off California to boot.

  2. Watch, literally, his ads will not only be brutal but funny!

    Let’s see how social media tries to block, hide or shadow it.

    He is NOT owned…by anyone.



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