On January 3 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump used a Facebook post to call out Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy in telling the American people that guns “don’t keep you safe” while simultaneously surrounding herself with “heavily armed bodyguards.”
How can any self-respecting American be her bodyguard to begin with?
Hillary thinks “Concealed Carry” should be limited to flasks, ostomy bags, and SS agents carrying her aged, drunken coma body from the limo to the hotel.
Make her pay for her own armed security and then declare it illegal for them to be armed. Declare old Hil herself to be a gun free zone!
She’s a lying fuckin hypocrite, and Mr. Trump knows it. And so does she. And so is Bloomberg. And so is Obola. And so is Emanuel. And so is O’Malley. And so is Sanders.
A disarmed population is a subject population.
And Huma’s strap on.
Moose and Squirrel say polonium in alcohol good for Hillary.
what is so frustrating is that the hypocrisy of the left is so evident in so many ways and they get a free pass from the lame stream media AND for the most part many Americans.
If I had to be her bodyguard, I’d be packin’ heat too. Not for her defense, for my own against her.