Trump: Hillary Says I’m Dangerous When ‘She’s The One That Caused So Many Deaths’ – IOTW Report

Trump: Hillary Says I’m Dangerous When ‘She’s The One That Caused So Many Deaths’

Breitbart: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies on Saturday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

hillary demon logo

Trump said, “She was on one of the shows the other night and she was talking about Donald Trump talks very rough. he may be dangerous. Dangerous? She’s the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies. You look at what’s gone on in Libya. You look at — and I’m not just mentioning Benghazi, which was a disaster in itself, but you look at so many of the decisions that she made that were so bad, so horrible, and honestly caused tremendous havoc and tremendous death. So, she’s the one that’s really got to justify her record that’s horrible.”  more here


13 Comments on Trump: Hillary Says I’m Dangerous When ‘She’s The One That Caused So Many Deaths’

  1. As usual…. he has a POINT. He’s right.

    While Hitlery talks about love and all kinds of squishy sh!t, because she has no record to run on, Trump nails her stinking, reeking, filthy sins to the wall, for everyone to see.

    Next attempt by the Fifth Column – Fourth Estate News Media Show®: “Donald Trump Hates Women”. And that too will get blown away like a steaming fart in a 90-kt wind.

  2. Clinton’s supporters know she’s commissioned murder, numerous times – they just don’t care. As for the vast number of somnambulants stumbling through our cities and countryside, we have to wait and see.

    Kudos to Pres. Trump for pointing it out …

  3. I’m relishing the prospect of a Trump – Clinton debate. On the one hand we’ll have a prissy, controlling twat who firmly believes she is the smartest person in the room, knows everything, and has the people skills of a mosquito. Trump, for his part, is as shrewd as they come, having negotiated himself into the billionaire stratum, and really knows how to connect to people. He’s also strictly on the up and up, which he has to be because he knows that his good reputation as a businessman is priceless. Lying, on the other hand, is Hitlery ‘ s modus operandi.

    Were such a meeting of minds to occur, my prediction is that Trump will pummel her until she is a thin, bloody pulp, suitable only to be left for dead in the gutter. Bitch won’t know what hit her–what a great ending to the story.

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