Trump Hosts Two Rallies In Two States While Biden Hides In Basement From Media After Explosive Emails Allegedly From Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive Were Revealed – IOTW Report

Trump Hosts Two Rallies In Two States While Biden Hides In Basement From Media After Explosive Emails Allegedly From Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive Were Revealed

The enthusiasm for Trump in MI, a state that he won in 2016 by 10,700 votes, is off the charts.

This video was taken at a massive road rally in Michigan from Ohio to the Mackinac Bridge on I-75 and from the Indiana-MI border to Mackinac bridge on Hwy. 131. MI Conservative Coalition organized the massive rally, with Trump supporters hosting parties for participants at every rest area along the way. It was truly a spectacular event.

This video, showing a mile long chain of construction trucks decked out in Trump flags and banners, and lined up at a rest area in Clarkston, MI, was shared with us by Meshawn Maddock, a Women For Trump national advisory board member. watch

14 Comments on Trump Hosts Two Rallies In Two States While Biden Hides In Basement From Media After Explosive Emails Allegedly From Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive Were Revealed

  1. It doesn’t feel like Biden is hiding in the basement from the media. It feels more like the media is hiding Biden and locking the door from the outside.

    And where’s Hunter?

    4 days until the next debate.

  2. Record numbers of early votes being cast and mailed in seem to be dominating the news in recent days.

    I wonder what that really means, if anything, other than people wanting to get their vote in without worrying about it and what might happen before election day to interfere with it.

  3. Journolist has their talking points lined up this morning on every channel.

    Covid’s back with a vengeance and we’re all going to die unless Joe Biden wins. If Joe Biden is the answer, I don’t want to know the question.

    Again, Kamala nowhere. Campaign spokespeople are nowhere.

    The media is their campaign spokesperson.

  4. This is so suckass! Why is Biden still a viable candidate and why would the media protect him so well?

    Trump derangement syndrome only goes so far.

    The demon-crats have an evil Satan-driven agenda to destroy this country and all it stands for. It’s come to the point that if you ain’t for Trump then as Jesus said “you are a goat.”

    God Bless America and protect us as it’s patriotic peoples.

    Mr. Trump is not a monster, he’s not perfect. but just a sinner as you and I are. Mr. Biden lies every time he opens his mouth and the words of Satan come out.

  5. Per Rona McDaniels Feed the attendance at one of the rally’s and they all are like this. But no model takes into account some Dems voting Trump.

    ✅ 13,850 signups

    ✅ 47.5% not Republican

    ✅ 24.1% did not vote in 2016

  6. Hans
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 11:13 AM
    “…Mr. Biden lies every time he opens his mouth and the words of Satan come out.”

    …Jesus knows his type and describes him well, its like he’s taking directly to Joe here…

    ” Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44


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