Trump: I’ll Know Within One Minute If Kim Jong Un Is Jerking Me Around – IOTW Report

Trump: I’ll Know Within One Minute If Kim Jong Un Is Jerking Me Around

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump said Saturday he would know almost immediately whether North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is serious about negotiating during the planned summit Tuesday in Singapore.

“How long do you think it will take you to figure out whether he’s serious,” a reporter asked Trump, to which he quipped, “How long will it take? I think within the first minute I’ll know.”

The president was pressed as to how that could possibly the case.

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9 Comments on Trump: I’ll Know Within One Minute If Kim Jong Un Is Jerking Me Around

  1. A lot of New Yorker’s know when they’re being jerked off. But not enough. We still are being Jerked off by Scheumer, Gillibrand, Cuomo,
    But not Donald Trump. Trump jerks people off. Good for him.
    Like General Mattis, when asked “what keeps you awake at night”?
    He replied: “Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.”

  2. The Pressure of making these huge deals just does’nt exist for Trump.
    People have no idea how intense these situations are, they say oh okay
    so he made a deal so what. Idiots with low I.Q.

  3. “I’ll know in the first minute”, I can just picture rocket boy hearing that. His eyes got big and round, and he might have shit his pants a little, he farted at least.

  4. Plantsman: My faith is in Trump. MAGA

    Idiot with no idea. But I’m not on TV, spouting bullshit!

    I’m no Bill Kristol or Rich Lowrey, just a simple deplorable.

  5. The right man for the job is an understatement, we have been blessed beyond our hope.
    After all the crap weasels we had to endure, including the Bushes I had forgotten what a real statesman could do. Trump is giving hope to the world against corrupt governments everywhere.
    Will done

  6. 192 nations represented by the U.N., and every president since Truman has done NOTHING since the end of the Korean War in 1953.

    Yet if Trump isn’t successful, he’s a loser.


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