Trump: Illegal Aliens Will Pay For Wall – IOTW Report

Trump: Illegal Aliens Will Pay For Wall

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Friday morning that the administration is crafting a plan to make illegal aliens in the US pay for a border wall, with money left over to build additional new prisons across the country.

“President Trump proposes placing a 20% tax on the sale of… MORE

10 Comments on Trump: Illegal Aliens Will Pay For Wall

  1. Electronic money transfers – tax ’em. I say tax them at 10%. Most of the illegals sending money home to mexico send it from the interior US (of course) and send it with regularity. Hit ’em in the reason they are here – the wallet.

  2. Re: Reboot January 28, 2017 at 6:13 am

    The article is bs, what you do is a 5% tax on ALL electronic money transfers TO Mexico.

    Only 5%? Way, way, way, too low. These people aren’t paying any taxes on their income. I’d make it at least 40%, and even 50% would be fine.

    A 50% tax on the annual ~$25 billion in remittances to Mexico would fully pay for the wall in one year.

    Enforcement might become problematic, because I can see the Mexicans illegally migrating to bitcoin for transfers.

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