Trump Illegal Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages – IOTW Report

Trump Illegal Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages

Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration is already having a positive impact on American workers through increased wages in the construction industry.

In a new report by Fox News, Texas construction companies admitted that Trump’s increased enforcement of immigration was forcing them to pay higher wages to U.S. construction workers.

Fox News reported:

“Half of the workers in construction in Texas are undocumented,” [Stan Marek, CEO of Marek Construction] said. “We do hear that there are a lot of undocumented workers that are leaving the state, going to other states that don’t have the anti-immigrant sentiment and many of them are going back to Mexico.”

Ted Wilson with Residential Strategies, Inc. has run the numbers.

“We’ve seen direct construction costs climb by over 30 percent,” Wilson said, “and a lot of that is directly attributed to what builders are having to pay their subs and trades in wages.”

Meaning, with so few workers out there, construction companies have had to pay more to attract them, which adds to the cost of a home.

[SNIP: Yeah, because home prices have been  dirt cheap since illegals have been working construction, right?]  MORE

9 Comments on Trump Illegal Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages

  1. I’ve had a lot of work done on my house over the last year getting ready to put it on the market. The larger well-known companies sent workers who may or may not have been legal citizen. I don’t know, but many of them could not speak English. I got tired of using pantomime to get my meaning across to them.

    After the first couple of instances, I started to use Home Advisor to find smaller, locally owned companies. Most were sole propitiatory and several of them advocated that they were Christian companies. Some were also word of mouth referrals. Not one of them had questionable workers. It was so nice to be able to converse with them and know that they understood what I said.

  2. This is absolutely true. Completing a new home in central TX and just over the last 3-4 months some subs have been telling our GC that some of their employees have returned to Mexico with no plans to come back specifically due to Trump/current policies. What we always knew would happen if current law was ever enforced. They self deport.


    I’m really sick & tired of businesses getting away with this garbage.

    You hire AMERICANS FIRST, and pay them a descent wage. “Oh Americans won’t pick tomatoes, for .25 / hr so we HAVE TO sneak in slave labor! You don’t want to pay $10 for a bag of tomatoes do you!?”

    WALMART and plenty of other businesses seem to be innovative enough to keep prices competitive, but NEVER those who need a roladex of excuses to keep their precious profit margin with illegal labor.

  4. 👍 Note to Stupid I.C.E. and Gov’t Officials 👍

    You could RAID every single meat-packing company, vegetable canning, and produce-picking organization and rake in 10% of the work force as ILLEGALS. Then fine the company an additional $10,000 per violation.

    Is that incentive enough to go looking?

  5. If it means that my country will be unabashedly sovereign, I think it’s worth the fair wage to an American so that he or she can support their own family than wearing a $5.00 tee shirt, watching a $200. flat screen, or owning 1,000’s of cheap, disposable crap that does little to improve my own life. The increased labor costs of home construction can be more (way more!) than offset by ditching the heinous regulatory Administrative State which, daily, burdens construction with the most asinine and unnecessary requirements. You all saw the regulation manuals Trump threw on the ground, right? You wouldn’t believe what it takes to build a home today. It’s a wonder there are any small business general contractors today.

  6. Money is by far the most insidious corrupter. People don’t stop to think they’re selling out their own countrymen by hiring illegals and other shady business practices. The IRS knows there is a goldmine in going after these companies that do this. They don’t because the ruling class approves.

  7. “going to other states that don’t have the anti-immigrant sentiment and many of them are going back to Mexico.”

    Anti-immigrant. We’re rayciss!!! because we think hiring American employees is better than you making money off cheap illegal labor. Go build in Mexico and see how many houses you sell.

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