Trump implores GOP not to be ‘weak fools’ on election results, promises big protest in D.C. – IOTW Report

Trump implores GOP not to be ‘weak fools’ on election results, promises big protest in D.C.


President Trump is urging Republicans to fight against the ultimate certification of the 2020 election in Biden’s favor, promising a major protest in the nation’s capitol early next month alongside Congress’s final vote to validate ballots that were cast by electors this week. 

Responding to White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro’s recent report pointing to “a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket,” Trump early on Saturday morning tweeted that it was “statistically impossible [for Trump-Pence] to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Jan. 6 is the date upon which Congress is set to count and certify the Electoral College’s vote in the 2020 election.  read more

18 Comments on Trump implores GOP not to be ‘weak fools’ on election results, promises big protest in D.C.

  1. Yeah, like I said before;
    …..It’s been a real roller-coaster ride.

    Don’t expect any pussy republican elected officials to stand up for those of us that put them into office.

    Their inactions make my blood boil and they need to take cover with the liberal-commies when the bullets start to fly.

  2. The time for rallies and protests is over.

    If Congress certifies the Electors, 34 States need to call for an Article V. Convention Of The States.

    Be prepared to contact your State Representatives and Senators.

    Happy New Year.

  3. I thought “weak fool” was the definition of a Republican in Congress.

    I have felt for many years now that the only force that can deal with the leftist juggernaut will be democrats. I am starting to see some of that, but I don’t put much faith in it at this point. As to the Republican Party, it’s fish or cut bait time. Trump supporters will be looking for an alternative and it isn’t the Dems as they are now.

    Smart Dems and Republicans will have observed the groundswell of popular support for Trump and away from establishment and radical politics. I am guessing that is what is driving Tulsi Gabbard right now.

    I don’t know if a new party will emerge. They could just form a separate caucus, at least to start. That would shake up the leadership structure in both chambers.

  4. I fully expect for Georgia to be lost too.
    I’m so fed up with the stupidity of voters that I can’t stand much more.
    All the criminals are off the hook and the dems just laugh at us.
    There’s two choices fight or flee and there’s no place else to go!

  5. Republitards not be weak fools? That’s all they have been for years
    Why don’t you tell chrispi cream to drop #150 by next Christmas – more likely to succeed.
    The GOP hasn’t had any semblance of backbone since obama 1.

  6. Trump’s advisors are playing him for the fool and giving him swamp Rino advice. We have gone from those certifying fraudulent elections are going to jail, to please republicans don’t approve this election else there will be a big bad protest in DC. Waiting for Jan. 6 IMO is too late. Will Rand and Cruz stand up for Trump?

  7. Democrat voters get what they vote for.

    Conservative voters choose republicants and get sodomized. Year after year.

    At least the democrats are honest, to a degree. Liar GOPes are just sacks of dogshit.


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