Trump Installs 100 Judges On The Federal Bench – IOTW Report

Trump Installs 100 Judges On The Federal Bench

DCNF: The Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s 100th judicial nominee Thursday, passing a symbolic threshold meant to signal the GOP’s determined push to staff the federal judiciary with conservative jurists.

As of this writing, the president has appointed 102 judges to the federal bench. That total includes 63 trial judges, 37 appeals judges and two Supreme Court justices.

“Today marks an incredible milestone as the Senate confirmed President Trump’s 100th judicial nominee,” said Carrie Severino, chief counsel of the Judicial Crisis Network. “This is a big win for the country to have judges who fairly apply the law and adhere to the Constitution sitting on our nation’s most prized courts.”

Though Trump and the Senate Republican caucus have processed nominees with stunning proficiency, the administration has not yet overcome left-leaning majorities on many federal appeals courts, while a burgeoning number of trial court vacancies present a daunting challenge.

The Senate reached the 100-judge mark with the confirmation of Rodolfo “Rudy” Armando Ruiz to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on a 90-8 vote. Ruiz is a state court judge and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group that advises the White House of judgeships. The confirmations of Raul Manuel Arias-Marxuach to the District of Puerto Rico and Joshua Wolson to the Eastern District of Pennsylvania followed.  read more

7 Comments on Trump Installs 100 Judges On The Federal Bench

  1. Yes, just need to replace the ACLU whore RGB. I will celebrate YUGELY upon her death.

    I’d like to see the other two affirmative action SCOTUS hires, Solicitor for Obamacare Kagan and the unwise Latina Sotomayor kicked off the court for utter incompetence.


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