Trump invites families of those killed by illegal immigrants to speech – IOTW Report

Trump invites families of those killed by illegal immigrants to speech

President Trump has invited the family members of those killed by illegal immigrants and the widow of Justice Antonin Scalia to attend his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.

Maureen McCarthy Scalia will attend the speech, along with Jessica Davis and Susan Oliver — both widows of California police officers killed by an illegal immigrant in 2014.

The president is expected to highlight his campaign to deport illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in the United States.  – NYP

14 Comments on Trump invites families of those killed by illegal immigrants to speech

  1. Dianny FEBRUARY 28, 2017 AT 5:26 PM
    He should also invite ICE officers to gather up all the illegals the Democrats invite.

    Have a bunch of them in the room just to see the aliens freak out.

    Friend of mine has a brown immigration service ballcap he wears. Says its amazing how quick he gets through crowds. Long line to get driver licence? Uh-uh. ALl the sudden the nobody answers when their nmumber is called out. Funny.

  2. ***SMACK!*** If the dems had a brain they would come to the conclusion that any showboating attempts to make Trump look bad, somehow, in ways they cannot comprehend, Trump is not going to “one up them” like they could imagine. The only analogy I can up come with is: if a “one up” from the Democrats is giving the other guy an enema. A Trump “one up” is giving the other guy an enema with a fire hose.

    They are bringing dreamers and he is going to bring family members of murder victims from illegals. … It keeps getting better and better.

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