Trump is meeting with NRA: NRA says Delay gun buys and investigate people on terrorism watch list – IOTW Report

Trump is meeting with NRA: NRA says Delay gun buys and investigate people on terrorism watch list

WaEx: The National Riffle Association said Wednesday that anyone on a federal terrorism watch list who tries to buy a gun should not only be investigated by the FBI, but the sale should be delayed during the ongoing investigation.

The NRA also added that “due process protections” should be put in place allowing people wrongly put on a watch list to be removed.

The statement comes in the wake of Sunday’s deadly massacre in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 people dead and 53 others injured, and ahead of an NRA meeting with presumed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Democrats say anyone on a watchlist should be banned outright from buying a gun, but the NRA said the issue is more complicated than that, and that due process concerns need to be addressed.

“The NRA believes that terrorists should not be allowed to purchase or possess firearms, period,” Chris Cox, Executive director of NRA’S Institute for Legislative Action, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.  MORE

48 Comments on Trump is meeting with NRA: NRA says Delay gun buys and investigate people on terrorism watch list

  1. “democrats say anyone on a watchlist should be banned outright from buying a gun”

    sure, as long as they set their red flag alerts to anything conservative

    i really think that liberals are mentally defunct, and their mental state declines with age

  2. Get put on a secret government list, and your constitutional rights are removed.
    I understand why Hillary and Soetoro are on board, but why is Trump?
    What happens when someone in DC adds MRA members to the watch list like Feinstein and others have suggested?

  3. Get this.
    Trump consulted with others, experts, before making a major decision.
    Compare that to the way Leftists just make decisions based on feelings, then try to badger their decisions into law.
    Isn’t Trump’s way logical, the proper way? Maybe he isn’t so dangerous after all.

  4. Did Trump or NRA call for a ‘secret’ terrorist list? I’ll agree in principal if first this terrorist list is defined, with responsible challenges allowed. Why would we want to arm our enemy?

  5. “The NRA also added that “due process protections” should be put in place allowing people wrongly put on a watch list to be removed.”

    No, the government should undergo Due Process to have a citizen’s natural born Constitutionally protected rights denied!

  6. I’d like to know all the facts about Omar before making suggestions.

    He was interviewed by the FBI how many times?
    What became of that?
    Was he on any gov. list or database?
    Did he just buy the guns last week?
    What exactly did his background check turn up?
    Is it simply a YES/NO check, or is it RED ALERT, CAUTION, CONTACT, GREEN LIGHT, etc?

    I have zero confidence in our government.
    They will keep law abiding citizens from getting guns yet fast-passing Islamist.
    Fucked beyond repair.
    NO confidence.

  7. Remember when the feds ass-raped the 4th Amendment, then shot it in the back of the head, and kicked the corpse in a ditch – ‘for our safety?’

    Either they knew full well what was about to happen in Orlando, and allowed it to happen to forward their anti-gun agenda – or they had no clue it was going to happen, which makes one wonder what the unconstitutional surveillance state they have built is actually doing,and to what end.

    Either option suggests they are unworthy of any degree of trust form the public.

  8. Rep Tom McClintock, from here in CA ended up on a no fly list and went through hell getting it resolved.
    (his being a friend of the right and very pro 2nd amendment had nothing to do with it wink, wink).
    This is a most reprehensible form of tyranny that has been used by despots and never allowed in any free society.

  9. This is basically what the meeting is about: “Democrats say anyone on a watchlist should be banned outright from buying a gun, but the NRA said the issue is more complicated than that, and that due process concerns need to be addressed. ”

    The NRA and several congressmen don’t want Trump working off what the left already put in.
    This is a good thing.

  10. How about a temporary ban on people under FBI investigation for terrorist connections working for the Federal gruberment or its contractors.

    Just until we figure out what’s going on, of course.

    While we’re at it, how about a temporary ban on people under FBI investigation for compromising national security to state sponsors of terrorism being eligible to run for President.

    Just until we figure out what’s going on, of course.

  11. So did you miss the entire “due process” part the NRA was talking about?
    That’s what the meeting is for. Trump went to learn more info on how it all works. There’s a difference between being on a list because the left felt like you should be on it and actual proof you should be on it like marteen should have been on. Or actually KEPT on.

  12. That’s okay anonymous. I don’t get offended by thumbs down by stupid people.

    (I get a thumbs down for stating, not an opinion, but simply stating a fact. lol)

    Listen dum-dum.
    The NRA is advocating for the same thing that TED CRUZZZZZZZ , remember him, the savior of the world, voted for.
    It was the GOP plan that was voted on and received 55 votes. The only republican dissenter was mark Kirk.

    The bill said people on a terror list can be delayed 72 hours from purchasing a gun while the government made their case, before a judge, that they shouldn’t have one.
    The bill was written by John Cornyn… hello.. ringing any bells??? It just HAPPENED!!!!

    The NRA was in favor of this bill and every Republican less one was in favor.

  13. I don’t like no stinken lists man. No gun laws work. The most effective way to regulate legally purchased guns over the counter is the FFL that’s selling them. But the bad guys for the most part don’t buy legal guns. At this point in time repeal all gun laws. That’s the best way to detour the bad guys.

  14. With all due respect BFH, the item you mention is a different issue that had nothing to do with the secret no fly and terror watch lists like the one McClintock got put on for being a conservative.
    The mental health issue is another discussion in itself.

  15. The terror list and the mental health list have cross-over appeal.
    The Cornyn bill is about being on a LIST.
    This bill was part of the Protect America Act of 2015.

    Terror, mental health, old library books, kicked a dog once, doesn’t matter. It’s a list you can get on because some bureaucrat put you there.
    The gun shop owner enters you in a database and it kicks back that you’re on A LIST.
    Now you wait 3 days while the government makes the case that you can’t have the gun.

    It was approved by Ted Cruz.
    The mental health list is WORSE, it’s a much lower bar to prove someone is a mental case.
    I have comments on IOTW to prove that.

    Yet, this bill was approved by Cruz, and 54 other republicans.

    Who you gonna run to now??

  16. It’s right here… —->

    Cornyn’s bill was “Related to the Protect America Act of 2015.”

    You can choose to argue, that’s fine. I’m just curious why you’d be okay being on a 3 day wait list because your doctor says you’re nuts, as opposed to being put on another list because the government says you’re a terrorist nut.

    Is it because Cruz voted for the other one??

    A list is a list is a list
    But for the sake of a really stupid argument on both you and Menderman’s part, I’ll concede they are 2 different lists.

    Now what?

  17. The mental health bill required the person that was to be put on the mental health list to be adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution. The Terror list and no fly list are done in cubicles by bureaucrats. That’s the difference.

  18. Some kid with a mushroom haircut shoots up a school and suddenly every republican is eager to vote for a bill saying a nutball has to wait 3 days.

    A Muslim shoots up a nightclub and an idea is floated that someone should be delayed 3 days from a gun purchase if on a terror list and the reaction is 2A IS BEING SHREDDED!!!!!!

    Now, mind you, I haven’t offered my opinion on either list.

    Also, email Trump and tell him how you feel.
    That’s better than trying to ratf*ck a guy that is much further to the right on this issue than Hillary. Even the position you *think* he is taking is to the right of Hillary.

  19. The mental health bill required the person that was to be put on the mental health list to be adjudicated as a mental defective >>>

    The definition of a “mental defective” includes anyone whom “a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority” has determined to be “a danger to himself or other” because of “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease.”

    You could be put on this list by a “board,” or a “commission” because you’re stupid, incompetent or because your OBAMACARE DOCTOR DOESN’T LIKE HOW YOU VOTE.

    This was the whole issue about DOCTORS ASKING IF YOU OWN A GUN.

    You seem oblivious to how the government is coming to get you.
    Maybe you suffer from “If Cruz Voted For It It Must Be Great-itis.”
    That’s a mental health disorder that can put you on a list.

  20. This is all headed down the wrong road. Might make sense to some now, but always open to further abuse by politicians/bureaucrats later. It is an overreaction to our governments failure to give a cr*p about their duty to protect us from foreign threats. Ban muslim immigration. promote the carrying of arms by all proficient American citizens. Let the next dumbassseventhcenturymusloid walk into a bar full of well armed citizens. Don’t ever give the government the right to determine who can legally have a gun. It’s far safer for the common man to be able to arm up against the occasional bad guy than to let the government decide who they are going to disarm.

  21. Trump said nothing about 3 days to the best of my knowledge.
    Also what he and the NRA are talking about is something entirely different that what BFH is talking about as the NRA is opposed to this.
    Conflating the two issues is just obfuscation and does not serve to advance the conversation.

  22. “Shall not be infringed…” No gun laws make sense. Criminals, terrorists, feral urbanites … can get them illegal no mater what laws exist. An armed citizenry is the only possible deterrent/remedy to these acts.

  23. Strange The Demo Rats keep calling for “Common Sense Gun Regulation”. This sounds like a pretty common sense solution. Of course I can see the current administration or a Hillary Clinton administration corrupting the process.

  24. I need your help here BFH, I can’t find where trump said anything about the delay being limited in any way, much less a specific 3 days.
    Please link to where he said that.

  25. I think the whole thing is pretty self-explanatory. Congree can make NO law restricting the right to keep and bear arms. Congress can, however, make a law to lock you up if you’re a danger to yourself or others. Now, Congress, define what is a danger to myself or others, lock me up for good reason, and I can’t complain (much). But I’ll still own my guns (if I had any), and could bear my arms, if I could just get to them.
    Mentally ill jihadists need to be locked up, not let go on the streets unabated.

  26. I can’t find where Trump said what Red State says he said.
    He said he’s meeting with the NRA about not allowing terrorists to get guns.

    This is the perfect statement. The reader reads into it what they want it to mean depending on their agenda.

    What I’m saying is that if Trump is going to meet the NRA to agree with them, that means a 72 hour delay, because that’s what they NRA endorses.

    Trump could turn around and say he doesn’t agree.
    He could say anything.
    But in the end it’s just trolling anyway because Trump doesn’t write law.

  27. Trump never said ” he’s meeting with the NRA about not allowing terrorists to get guns”.

    Trump said: “I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.”

    Yuge difference.

  28. Nope. Not a yuge difference. None at all.

    My response to John was that Trump’s statement doesn’t say anything other than what the discussion is about. Neither my paraphrasing nor the exact quote says what Trump’s position is.

    Knees up, keep up, breathe.

    One day your love for semantical bullshit will pay off.
    and I mean this sincerely, do you have Asperger Syndrome?

    People with Asperger seem to get mired in meaningless details and lose the big picture, and it’s frustrating to deal with.

  29. No. I do pay attention to the “meaningless” details though, if you don’t you can never get to the big picture and keep it intact. A good example of that are the court cases over 2A based on the capitalization of “militia”. I have often been called anal retentive for cleaning up small details in new rules I am asked to write/approve. More than once those “meaningless” details have made a big difference on serious issues. Paying attention to what people actually say versus what you think they said is important. Do you not agree?

  30. No. I don’t agree.
    Because the point that was being made is that Trump’s statement doesn’t tell the reader anything at all.
    So when I paraphrased the statement it didn’t change my point.

    If my point was, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT TRUMP SAID, and I paraphrased it, you might have a point.
    But no. You haven’t really made a relevant point to the discussion.

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