Trump is right about the huge potential for ballot fraud in Michigan’s election – IOTW Report

Trump is right about the huge potential for ballot fraud in Michigan’s election

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

To hear the mainstream media tell it, President Trump is somehow paranoid at Michigan’s latest gambit to mail absentee voting applications to all registered voters in the state.

Here’s the selectively distorted reporting from the Detroit News (emphasis mine):

President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday to attack Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s plan to send absentee ballot applications to qualified Michigan voters ahead of the August and November elections. 

The president threatened federal funding for Michigan and erroneously said Benson planned to send absentee ballots, when the Detroit Democratinstead plans to send voters applications for the ballots ahead of the elections. 

They ran it with a photograph of Trump with a photoshopped color manipulation that exaggerated the color of his skin as well as his blue tie to colors not consistent with the lighting in the room. They also had this:

Trump again claimed, without evidence, that mail-in voting is susceptible to fraud, although experts say incidents of voter fraud are rare, particularly in national elections.

“Mail-in ballots are very dangerous. There’s tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality,” he said. 

In a reply to his Wednesday tweet, Trump tagged his chief of staff Mark Meadows, the U.S. Treasury and Russ Vought, director of the federal Office of Management and Budget. 

Benson responded to Trump’s tweet on Twitter, noting the state planned to send applications, not ballots to qualified voters.

Notice in the story how the reporter takes pains to state that these mail-in ballot applications will go to ‘qualified’ voters, as if Trump were somehow against that. Fact: They will go to any name on the voter rolls, and the problem Trump is bringing up is that the voter roll list is absolutely filthy, loaded with names of people who have moved away, leaving golden opportunities for Democrats to stop over at those mailboxes and pick up the unopened mail.  MORE

12 Comments on Trump is right about the huge potential for ballot fraud in Michigan’s election

  1. With mail in votes, a Democrat dream thing, the Right will be convinced that the Democrats won by fraud if the Left wins and the Left will be convinced that the Republicans won by fraud if the Right wins.

    A lose-lose situation, so lets go for it.

  2. If you can go to the grocery store, you can go to the voting booth!
    If you can go to Lowes or Home Depot, you can go to the voting booth!
    If you can go to the Liquor store, you can go to the voting booth!
    If you can drive to the mail box, you can go to the voting booth!
    If you drive a car, you can go to the voting booth!
    Absentee voting is already an option for all registered voters with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    DemocRATs just want to make everybody disabled… maybe the better way to put it is that democRATs just want to disable America by overwheming the law-abiding voter with tons of fraud!!

    Once again we see how democRATs think and act:
    “If ya can’t beat ’em fair & square, drag ’em down to our level of SUCK and rob ’em!”

  3. michigan has long had a problem with seditious subversion. Perhaps it has been less obvious at times, but it has always been there. It is tolerated and overlooked.

    “Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib registered to vote from false address, represented state House district she didn’t live in”

    They got right on that, didn’t they
    This is prime example of vote fraud

  4. Govenor Gretch has at least her husband in northern Michigan opening up the summer cottage. Perhaps that is why she lifted the ban on the greater Traverse City area.

    And now the Karma, people up here don’t give a fuck he is the bitch bride of Gretchen.

    I drove by there Friday and did not know they had a cottage on Birch Lake, I can assure you now everyone knows it. We’ll be sure to let them know they are “Persona Non Gratis”.

  5. I said after the 2016 election that there was no way REgressivess weren’t working at that very moment to make absolutely sure there was no chance in the world that MI, WI, FL, PA and OH would go red again.

    They would commit any kind of voter fraud including 100%+ votes over registered voters, out of state double(or more) voting, voting from the grave, vote harvesting…and now mail in voting.

    This election ain’t a lip lock, President Trump has had 4 years. If the dems get in power, it’s over.

  6. I live in a very red part of MI and voted R in the 2016 election. How many iOTWr bucks do you want to bet that I don’t get a mail-in ballot (or the application if they are telling the truth … HA)?

  7. Let’s face it. The democrats invented FRAUD. Two examples, FDR tried to stack the supreme court with democrats, he lost. LBJ won his first term in Texas as a member of the House, by having more ballots than there were people in that district. JFK’s Dailey machine rigged the results in Illinois allowing LBJ to win. Nixon chose not to challenge the results, not wanting to cause huge turmoil. I am glad I was able to vote for Nixon in both of his elections.

  8. the term ‘dead letter office’ no longer means just a place in the PO.
    They want it to also be a governmental position.
    And it will be an appointed position.


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