Trump Isn’t Sweating Any of the Potential Biden Replacements – IOTW Report

Trump Isn’t Sweating Any of the Potential Biden Replacements

It’s the morning after the most disastrous performance by an incumbent president in a debate in history. It’s also my day off, but I woke up very early, started thinking about last night, and realized it was time to make some strong coffee. 

11 Comments on Trump Isn’t Sweating Any of the Potential Biden Replacements

  1. I should add, not only was this election stolen, but we have a bunch of assholes running this country that not one single person voted for. I’m not thinking the founders would approve. But then again they were insurrectionists.

  2. MrLiberty

    Common knowledge. So here’s the question of the day. If team Bo Rock, I mean Biden, is Polling 38%, which in reality is actually about 20%, are they still going to try and steal the election. I hope not. But there will be gun play post election if they do. I almost hope they do.

  3. I found this point interesting, from Charles CW Cooke:
    Kamala aside, one of the reasons you’re seeing this backtrack is that it quickly became clear to elected officials that if they said Biden had to go they’d be asked if he must resign. And then they’d have to say “no—he’s fine for six months, just not after that,” which is absurd.
    As a general matter you can make that case of course: “He’ll be too old in a second term.” But you can’t make it on the basis of last night. “Wow, look at what we just saw. He has to go! But not for six months.”

  4. Since we didn’t elect Joe Biden, what difference does it make if he’s completely non compos mentis? He could already be embalmed and if those who actually run this ex republic want him in the office again, they’ll have him there. Likewise whomever they so choose. About the only thing we can be sure of is they don’t want Trump in there now, then, or ever. This, my children, is the salient reason to vote only for Orange Man Bad. No other reason need be considered, that one alone will do.


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