Trump issues 72-page report warning about the dangers of ‘socialism’ – IOTW Report

Trump issues 72-page report warning about the dangers of ‘socialism’

AT: Like measles, or smoking, or homelessness, or Nigerian credit card scammers, President Trump’s White House has issued a 72-page Surgeon General-style report warning of yet another scourge plaguing the country:


And it’s about time. According to CNBC:

The Trump administration released a 72-page manifesto articulating the ills of socialism on Tuesday on the heels of President Donald Trump‘s recent claims that his political opponents will turn the U.S. into “the next Venezuela” if they succeed in the upcoming midterm elections.

The report published by the Council of Economic Advisers warns that “socialism is making a comeback in American political discourse,” and zeroes in on proposals to enact “Medicare for all” championed by progressive lawmakers.

The press and its commentators, as you can imagine, were aghast:

“It is not unusual for the White House to issue statements that reinforce the political themes the president’s party is campaigning on before an election,” said veteran election attorney Brett Kappel, a partner at Akerman. “But it is very unusual for the Council of Economic Advisers — a supposedly nonpartisan body of experts — to be used for this purpose,” he said.

Economist Kevin Hassett, author of the report, denied that, saying it wasn’t political, it was simply analysis.  more here

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