Trump: John Kelly Leaving White House – IOTW Report

Trump: John Kelly Leaving White House

DC: White House chief of staff General John Kelly will leave his position at the end of the year, President Donald Trump told reporters before departing for the Army-Navy game Saturday.

“John Kelly will be leaving – I don’t know if I can say ‘retiring.’ But, he’s a great guy. John Kelly will be leaving at the end of the year. We’ll be announcing who will be taking John’s place… I’ll be announcing that over the next day or two. But, John will be leaving at the end of the year. He’s been with me almost two years now… John Kelly will be leaving toward the end of the year, at the end of the year,” Trump said, according to the White House press pool.

Trump spoke with Kelly Friday about the situation and the pair agreed to part ways, according to a source close to Kelly. The source continued that Kelly intended to make the announcement Monday, but that the president got ahead of him. The source characterized the departure as neither a firing nor a resignation.  more here

17 Comments on Trump: John Kelly Leaving White House

  1. Stop listening to the drive by media. This guy was Chief Of Staff for over 500 days. That’s a long time and not unusual for him to be stepping down. Two type A’s on Steroids. I bet they had some interesting conversations. I admire both men. Unless he comes out like Joe6pak says.

  2. That circus will be heard ASAP at scotus.
    But,she was not doing the Trumps will prior to that “caravan” showing up at the border. He had to threaten her to get her to act. Dragging her feet like the good little GOPe she is.

    Now maybe after a good ass kicking by the man she will straighten up.

  3. I don’t know much about Kelly, but for damn sure, Tillerson is a whiner. This is all he had to say about Trump: He didn’t listen to meeee, he didn’t read what I told him to read, he didn’t want to honor treaties, blah blah blah.
    He wanted Trump to be a proper RINO. Seen the unemployment #s lately? Taxes cut, among the other shit Trump has done for the good of this country’s citizens? You don’t get that being a weak bitchy RINO.
    Kiss my entire a$$, Tillerson.

  4. Tillerson was, indeed, a douchebag deluxe. He ruled ExxonMobil with an iron fist and was responsible for the policies there that made everyone in the company fear that each day could be their last for any reason or no reason at all. It did my heart good to see that rat bastard get shit-canned by President Trump. Tillerson thought he was the hookin’ bull in the administration, but President Trump showed him how the cow ate the cabbage. It was great to see Tillerson pout and whine like the overgrown child that he is. It showed his lack of character and exposed him for the snot-nosed punk that he really is. Anybody who ever worked for Mobil Oil and then had to finish their career with Exxon knows what I’m talking about. Exxon sucks!


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