Trump: John McCain ‘Not Very Nice’ for Spreading Russia Dossier – IOTW Report

Trump: John McCain ‘Not Very Nice’ for Spreading Russia Dossier

McCain defended his decision in a book published before his death, calling it an “obligation” to pass the information to Comey.

“I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain said.

McCain passed away in August 2018.


21 Comments on Trump: John McCain ‘Not Very Nice’ for Spreading Russia Dossier

  1. Johnny is proof that my favorite President was right in ’82 SOTU ,” … THE GOVT IS THE PROBLEM!…” Johnny was a big time philanderer 45 – 39 years ago, fucking everything in skirts, including many married to other men, and his future wife. Some of the men whose wives he fucked sued for alienation of affections. 2 chose him of – he kicked the shit out of each! I have been in many fights. Invalids do not kick th shit out of healthy men! The govt lied abut his POW history!~

    Cindy fucked John for 2 years while he was married to another. She is clearly epitome of virtue!

  2. …one day in Hell, in the not-too-distant future, where the only illumination is the sickly dull red glow of the Lake of Fire, where time is measured only by the short intervals between the agoized screams of the damned, and to which all Democrats are destined, the devil washed John McCain up near Bill Clinton for one of his jokes.

    Bitter in death even as he was in life, the devil’s favorite songbird angrily noted that, while HE was in the Lake of Fire up to his chin, Bill was only in it up to his waist.

    With his offended sense of entitlement temporarily burning his shriveled, twisted soul more than the Lake was agonizing his flesh, he yelled at Clinton between mouthfuls of lava, “HEY! I was a scumbag traitor to my God, my Country, my constituents, even my shipmates that I murdered on the Forrestal, but for all that, YOU’VE done way more evil than ME. Why do YOU get to be so much higher out of the Fire than ME?!?!

    …breifly summoning his trademark jackass grin through his eternal agony, Bill responded, “Because I’m sitting on Hillary’s shoulders”

    …this prompted the nearby Cummings to respond with a “DAYUMM!”, before his own personal, very tired demon forked him under once more…

  3. …recommended theme song for John McCain…

    (sung to the tune of “John Brown’s Body.”)

    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    But his lies go marching on
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    From the grave of old John McCain
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Trump’s STILL your Pres-i-Dent

  4. gin blossom
    DECEMBER 28, 2019 AT 2:54 PM
    “The poster boy for stolen valor.”

    …I hope they buried him with hus unearned medals so the devil can mock him incessantly for each and every one throughout all eternity…

  5. MJA:

    “THE VIEW hags. They all loved mccain…”

    They didn’t “love” mccain: they used him by appealing to his cheap vanity. It was easy, too. Notice how they hated him when he ran against odumbo.

    Mccain has turned out to be the biggest traitor of all. At least obama ‘sorta’ laid his cards on the table.

  6. What really happened on the USS Forrester??

    We’ve come to learn that the establishment – ALL branches, departments and agencies, etc. – protect each other. McCain was a protected, entitled, ruling class traitor shielded by the wings of his four star admiral daddy.


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