Trump Jr. Floats Possibility Of Chris Christie As Attorney General – IOTW Report

Trump Jr. Floats Possibility Of Chris Christie As Attorney General

Law & Order him a bucket of chicken.

chris-christie-bacchus-mja 2-

DailyCaller: Donald Trump Jr., the oldest son of the Republican presidential front-runner, said Sunday that it’s possible that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie could have a spot waiting for him in a Trump administration — especially in the real estate tycoon’s Justice Department.

Asked by “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo whether his father would choose Christie as his running mate, Trump Jr. said that he had not been a part of those conversations but that “the possibility is certainly there.”  MORE

20 Comments on Trump Jr. Floats Possibility Of Chris Christie As Attorney General

  1. Hate me all you want….But New Jersey Fats would make one hell of an AG.

    Or VP, for that matter….I don’t care, so long as Trump or Cruz wins the White House.

  2. I think Christy Creme would make a fairly decent Atty Gen. A hell of a lot better than Holder and Lynch. Just so long as he’s held on a very short leash by the president.

  3. The same Crispie Creme who is SO Constiutionally grounded that he wouldn’t sign on to the O’care lawsuit? He claimed it would “cost Jersey money to file the lawsuit.” Levin said it wouldn’t have cost Jersey a dime.

    As if Mr. Nine Downgrades to Jersey’s credit rating was suddenly frugal.

  4. At one time I would have said Trey Gowdy for AG, but now I would want to wait until he actually nails somebody on the Benghazi deal.

    I mean, I get it that the wheels of justice turn slowly and all, but sooner or later something has to be ground out, ya know.


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