Trump knocks Biden for not answering reporters’ questions – IOTW Report

Trump knocks Biden for not answering reporters’ questions

‘This guy doesn’t come out of his basement, and he hasn’t taken one question,’ the president says.

10 Comments on Trump knocks Biden for not answering reporters’ questions

  1. More to the point is…his mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberry. I’m willing to dig up one of my dead goats who probably has more charisma and curb appeal…and it would be Otis because he was a dumbass prick….

  2. Biden is incapable of


    Therefor he is the face and poster boy
    of the entire

    Smellocrat Party

    The most hilarious thing is
    the smellocrats don’t

    Understand It !

  3. Of course, he hasn’t answered one question. Why should he? The press aren’t going to ask any and they aren’t going to ask why. The normal channels will continue to beat on the President and ignore the opposition because they don’t think they have to.
    If the Slow / Ho campaign can continue to drive the narrative, they can ignore reality. Wait for the landslide and President Trump (and us) winning a 2nd term(

  4. Biden’s gonna need to give a big speech this week.
    He’s going to have a LOT of trouble doing so.
    I’m betting they have one prerecorded, spliced together from a bunch of little snippets, trying to make Joe look semi-coherent.
    And the Democrat Media Mafia will cheer it as an amazing speech.

  5. If anyone bothered to watch the shitshow of freaks and weirdos at the televised DNC convention, there were montages of Biden laying his hands upon both shoulders and stroking the faces of people of every stripe, weight, vocation and sexual orientation.

    Say it loud, “handsey and proud”. The haunting, sexual glow of an overweight Amtrak train conductor working the Scranton corridor doesn’t get as much physical contact from the passengers as he used to these days.

    In one segment, a barber recalled how VP Biden called him after he had a medical procedure. This humble speck of dust in the thoughts and prayers of the highest office in the world.

    But then it occurred to me, of course Biden is thinking of a barber. He’s got the hook up on fresh hair. Whatchu need? A quarter bag? A dime?


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