Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures – IOTW Report

Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures

Gateway Pundit: Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis Monday night suggested Vice President Mike Pence could defer certifying the election results for Joe Biden on Wednesday when Congress meets and instead send requests to the state legislatures.

In an interview with Just The News, Jenna Ellis said Pence would simply defer the question to the state legislatures in contested states with dueling electors to clarify which slate of electors the state will approve.

“What Mike Pence could do, and what he should do, in fact, is to direct a question back to the state legislatures when there are two competing slates of delegates from these six states, he can ask that question to the states and say, well, state legislators, you know, I have an oath to the Constitution to uphold the Constitution as written in Article II Section 1.2 which says the state legislatures direct the manner in which electoral delegates are selected. So you tell me which of these two slates was selected in the manner that your state general assembly has designated,” Jenna Ellis said during an appearance on Just the News with David Brody. WATCH

14 Comments on Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures

  1. I’m predicting it won’t happen, based on every what’s happened with other “could” and “might” given so far.

    But we’ll know one way or the other pretty quick, won’t we?

  2. Watching his speech tonight, President Trump just said, “watch what’s going to come out…watch what’s going to be revealed…”
    PS – I still love typing “President Trump”!!!

  3. If Pence turns against President Trump, and stabs him in the back like the rest of the Repube’s he will be finished politically. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. I don’t trust Pence. He has never stood with Trump except during the good times. Not when that ridiculous Billy Bush tape dropped, not during Muller’s investigation and not during the impeachment. POTUS even said tonight I hope Mike does the right thing.

  5. I don’t know what to think, he doesn’t sound worried, so that makes we want to believe he has an ace up his sleeve.
    One thing he said that shows how he’s different than any of the uni-party is him saying he’s there because he loves this country. The demoncrats hate this country and let that be known, the scummy republicans will say we must save the country, it’s a great country, the demons are bad, but none of them ever say with conviction or at all that they love this country.

  6. well……Mike Pence is a name you will never hear again if he doesn’t act so in many ways he is saving his own hide but knowing most GOP members, he will cave in to Nancy and the Squad and run off into the sunset and make millions giving speeches about his inaction…..

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