Trump Leads Biden by Double Digits in Voter Enthusiasm – IOTW Report

Trump Leads Biden by Double Digits in Voter Enthusiasm

Dan Even residing in a state as liberal as New Jersey, I have yet to come across a single Democrat (and there are many) that’s actually looking forward to voting for Joe Biden. The only argument I ever seem to hear is the clichéd “lesser of two evils” argument, which hardly reflects any enthusiasm.

While that evidence is anecdotal, the polling indicates it to be an accurate reflection of reality nationwide, as Trump is leading Biden massively in voter enthusiasm.

According to the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, who is quoting the latest data from Emerson College Polling:

Democrat appear to be throwing in the towel. While Biden leads President Trump in a head-to-head matchup, 48%-42%, when voters overall were asked who they really think will win in November, it’s a Trump blowout, 57%-43%.


6 Comments on Trump Leads Biden by Double Digits in Voter Enthusiasm

  1. The communists on the CBC were saying that Trump’s numbers were way down.

    This made no sense to me considering Biden has been hiding in a basement and more accusations of sexual assaults were slowly coming out yet being ignored.
    Joe’s incoherent ramblings alone are enough to make normal people stay home on election day.

  2. Happy to see progs finally having to hold their nose and vote. Very similar to my staying home in 2012,,,, their was absolutely no way that I was going to vote for mr. mittens four years after having held my nose and voting for mcstain (I was okay with Palin).


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