Trump legal team to submit evidence of over 40,000 people who voted twice in Nevada – IOTW Report

Trump legal team to submit evidence of over 40,000 people who voted twice in Nevada

PML: President Donald Trump’s legal team will be presenting testimony today demonstrating that over 40,000 people in Nevada voted twice in the election.

“We are going to provide evidence of real voter fraud—thousands and thousands of instances of voter fraud in Nevada alone—by 5 o’clock today that will be submitted to the court,” Trump lawyer Jesse Binnall told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Mornings With Maria on Thursday morning.

Binnall reported that Team Trump has found 40,000-plus individuals who have voted twice in the election.

“That’s real voter fraud. We have data showing that people who were on the record as having voted by mail didn’t even receive ballots and say that they didn’t vote,” Binnall stated.

The team will also reveal evidence that purportedly proves that Nevada voters were disenfranchise, because “every single time there is a fraudulent vote cast—put into the system—it dilutes the vote of honest voters,” Binnall fired. more

18 Comments on Trump legal team to submit evidence of over 40,000 people who voted twice in Nevada

  1. “Donald Trump Teases 2024 Run: ‘I’ll See You in Four Years’”

    This headline bothers the heck out of me. Is Trump ready to let a corrupt judiciary determine the fate of our Republic? This sucks.

  2. “That’s real voter fraud. We have data showing that people who were on the record as having voted by mail didn’t even receive ballots and say that they didn’t vote,”
    How is that voting twice.
    More like someone not supposed to vote, did so using someone else’s name.

  3. @AndrewSolender
    Trump at the White House Christmas party: “It’s been an amazing four years. We’re trying to do another four years, otherwise I’ll see you in four years.”

    Eh. He was being funny. And really, it ain’t up to him but up to SCOTUS and whatever.

  4. ^^^^ It does seem like he’s admitting he lost and Biden will be the next President.

    Based on that short quote anyway, it could be out of context and mean something different.

  5. I think he and his administration are “on the horns of a dilemma.”

    There really is a national emergency but he and his advisors (a) think they have to let the legal process ‘play out,’ and, (b) they’re betting they can win without bringing the house down.

    If he’s wrong, we lose bigly, as in, kiss it.

  6. ” And really, it ain’t up to him but up to SCOTUS and whatever.”

    It is up to him. If he would just rollover and play dead like Romney, McCain or Nixon, Kommiela could resign her Senate seat.

  7. I think Trump won and don’t know how exactly it was stolen, but I don’t think it can be proved. Meanwhile here in GA we have a runoff election for two US senate races that will determine the future of our country. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell (our supposed saviors) had a big rally today telling Republicans not to vote in the runoff since the other vote was stolen and it won’t matter until the system is fixed. This all stinks!!! Lin Wood is an “ex democrat” that voted for Tank Ass in the primaries for Governor. I surely will vote for both Perdue and Loeffler, but I am not optimistic. Serious Ratfuckery going on.

  8. “I think Trump won and don’t know how exactly it was stolen, but I don’t think it can be proved. ”

    And if you could prove it?

    What could be done about it?

    The outcome would most likely be the same by one route or another, and no one of any importance in the larger scheme of things would be prosecuted or imprisoned.

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