Trump: Let Hillary ‘Release Her Emails, And I’ll Release My Tax Returns Immediately’ – IOTW Report

Trump: Let Hillary ‘Release Her Emails, And I’ll Release My Tax Returns Immediately’

[And her medical records, while we’re talking about it]

hillary-ugly- look

Breitbart: On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump responded to Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criticism of his failure to release his tax returns by stating, “Let her release her emails, and I’ll release my tax returns immediately.”

Trump said, [relevant exchange begins around 3:40] that no one cares about his tax returns aside from people in the media, and “I don’t know when that’s going to be, but when the audit is complete, I’ll release my returns. I have no problem with it. It doesn’t matter.”  MORE

6 Comments on Trump: Let Hillary ‘Release Her Emails, And I’ll Release My Tax Returns Immediately’

  1. He’s right, no one but the left dominated media gives a shit about his tax returns. They’ll use therm to deflect attention away from the Cough Drop Queen-just like they used Romney’s to mask Obama/Jarrett’s pitiful record.

    Another problem for them is, Trump is a million miles away from being able to be shamed about his wealth. It could show him paying an effective tax rate of 2% of a billion in income and he’d say, “That’s way too much, my CPAs are fired!”

  2. Listened to a video interview of Rudy commenting on Cankles and her “not knowing ‘c’ starting at a paragraph in classified documents from the government being impossible to not comprehend. Lying and saying she thought it was an alphabetized listing was so weak. Where were the “a” the “b” and the “d”, Cankles? A first year congress critter knows that means Classified. She is so full of shit, it is like her septic tank is blocked and her drainfield is brown and smelly. Old Skank! Habitual thief and liar like her former boss, Barky the Neutered.

  3. Geoff C. persists in ‘resting’ on FNC at commercial breaks from Fox Business/Lou Dobbs. Caught O’Really(?) and Trump’s interview last night and the Murdoch lap dog was giving Trump the business over his birther views. Trump said the same thing about that: only the media is interested in a long-dead issue and he called O’Really? out for it. If I were Trump I wouldn’t take another interview with FNC (except Hannity, and I wonder how long before he leaves).

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