Trump Lets Sessions Know He’s Out Of The Dog House – IOTW Report

Trump Lets Sessions Know He’s Out Of The Dog House

After weeks of speculation regarding Sessions’ job security, President Trump took to Twitter — his preferred method of communication — to praise the attorney general on Saturday for cracking down on illegal leaks of classified information.

Trump Lets Sessions Know He’s Out Of The Dog House

11 Comments on Trump Lets Sessions Know He’s Out Of The Dog House

  1. Hey Sessions, we have more problems than ms-13. How about getting busy on some prosecutions of some of the swine from the last administration and take some heat off your boss.

  2. Someone please explain to me (1) is there anyone Trump CANNOT fire within his administration, and (2) cannot the firings of his supporters within the admin be re-hired by him? I’m getting a seriously uneasy feeling about how it looks like the swamp state monoparty is running things now.

  3. Sessions as AG has been The Invisible Man.

    Trump’s justified in regretting him as a ‘bad hire’.

    Sessions is either a nice enough Weak Sister who might mean well, but is not up to the massive fight;
    Or he’s a Deep State tool, installed to nullify the Trump Agenda, and assist Mueller and The Impeachment Machine.

    1. Is as bad as 2.

  4. Based on where we are headed, there will be Trump associates indicted before his first year is finished, while all of the Obama/Clinton felons will be unindicted and will still have security clearances in accessing classified records to defend themselves against charges which will never come. And the probability that they will abuse that access is 100%. This is unacceptable.

  5. All sessions has done is just talk about what he’s going to do about leakers. I have yet to see any concrete action. These guys can talk a good talk, but let’s see them walk their talk before we start saying what a great job they’re doing.

  6. Unless this is a “head fake” by Trump,
    I consider this BAD news.
    Sessions HAS to “perform” or be fired.
    I want to see the Leftists…
    …if NOT perp-walked and hanged next week
    …CHARGED WITH TREASON (or whatever the proper legal charges are leading to that same – ahem – DANGLING CONCLUSION.

    It is time for BLOOD…THEIR blood.

  7. I heard Sessions or Coats in their news briefing say that they have 4 people that they are going after for leaks, no names yet but they will come out soon.
    We have seen what has been going on in DC for 8 long years , but it takes time to build solid cases , so I will wait a little longer to see what happens.

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