Trump Makes Big Move: Plan To ‘Support Candidates and Issues He Cares About’ Unveiled – IOTW Report

Trump Makes Big Move: Plan To ‘Support Candidates and Issues He Cares About’ Unveiled

Western Journal:

President Donald Trump will not be going away, no matter who is ultimately elected president in the contested 2020 election, his campaign has announced.

Whether he is elected for a second White House term or Democrat Joe Biden is ultimately sworn in, Trump will remain a player in national politics.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh confirmed to Fox News that the president has long planned to launch a leadership political action committee to support causes and candidates he cares about whenever leaves office.

Murtaugh told the network that “the president always planned to do this, win or lose, so he can support candidates and issues he cares about, such as combating voter fraud.”

The New York Times reported Trump has already laid the groundwork for such a PAC, which could “let him retain his hold on the Republican Party even after he leaves office.” read more

13 Comments on Trump Makes Big Move: Plan To ‘Support Candidates and Issues He Cares About’ Unveiled

  1. Once again, Trump will continue to follow thru with his promises, unlike Obama’s arrogant promise to lead the DNC to victory. Obama can’t fill a canoe with people who want to listen anymore.

  2. ‘Donald the Orange’…WILL come back as ‘Donald the White’…


    That analogy is for those LOTR’s fans, for those that have no friggin’ idea what I am talking about?

    Regardless of outcome he will come back STRONGER, as a result of fighting a DEMON, dragged INTO HELL and climbed out, just like Gandalf.

    I am convinced of this, his work is NOT done…and NEITHER IS OURS. We are the Hobbits in this cause…

    This is about good vs evil.

  3. I don’t think he’s giving up, because if he gives up we’re done as a country. Also I remember hearing something similar to this awhile back.

    He’s been tweeting all day and even tweeted about the computer voting.


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