Trump makes it personal for the Manchester terrorists – IOTW Report

Trump makes it personal for the Manchester terrorists

Sometimes, it isn’t enough to just write a letter of protest to someone and angrily lick an envelope.
You need to talk about the fool their mama raised, to their face.


American Thinker: After most terrorist attacks, presidents and world leaders have attempted to use majestic and restrained language, perhaps to seem presidential, to come off as leader-like, to be as unlike the terrorists as possible.  A favorite term they all like to use is “cowardly” – which doesn’t seem to deter any of these mass-death attacks.  They also like “callous,” “absurd,” and “tragic,” passively addressing the attacks themselves.  We can already hear the terrorists’ giggles.

President Trump isn’t like that.  In the wake of the terror attack in Manchester, England, he set the tone from another direction, hurling the personal insult.  He called terrorists “evil losers.”  For good measure, he kept it personal, addressing the terrorists themselves, not their handiwork, adding in Bethlehem:

I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. I will call them losers[.]

It was high school language, with heaping helpings of mockery and status imagery.  Seems that being a terrorist is not only the route to hell, but the best way to be the most unpopular kid in class, the one everyone tries to get away from, the gross guy, the creep.  MORE

11 Comments on Trump makes it personal for the Manchester terrorists

  1. nice to have a man for POTUS again after 8 years of our halfrican womanly POTUS we just lived through.
    Not since Ron have we had someone tell it like it is like the Don.

  2. Losers! That’s what they are. Trump chose the perfect word like a brain worm. They’ll be wondering to themselves — briefly — if they “really are losers?” So good. I can just imagine them thinking to themselves, “I’m NOT a loser! You’re not the boss of me!”

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