Trump makes triumphant return to campaign rallies, slams Dems for surrendering to anarchists – IOTW Report

Trump makes triumphant return to campaign rallies, slams Dems for surrendering to anarchists

Just The News: In Tulsa, Okla., rally, Trump vows to be champion of ‘silent majority,’ accuses Biden of surrendering to anarchists and proposes making flag burning a crime.

After months of coronavirus, racial strife and economic calamity, President Trump returned Saturday night to the campaign trail with a extravagant stadium event in Tulsa, Okla., vowing to win re-election on behalf of a “silent majority” of Americans drowned out by polls, media pundits and protesters.

“You are warriors,” a smiling Trump declared as he waved and gave fist pumps to an audience of thousands who braved fears about contagion, a lawsuit that failed to stop the events and protests outside the arena.

“I stand before you today to declare the silent majority is stronger than ever before,” Trump said to cheers. “Five months from now we’re going to defeat sleepy Joe Biden. … We are going to stop the radical left, and we’re going to build a future of safety and opportunity for Americans of every race color, religion and creed.” more here

SNIP: I’m okay with flag burning as freedom of speech because the people usually set themselves on fire along with it. 😁

9 Comments on Trump makes triumphant return to campaign rallies, slams Dems for surrendering to anarchists

  1. Surrender is the correct terminology. Demonrats surrender to every vice, perversion. i fant murder and Satan every minute of every day.

    PDJT was hilarious when mocking the fake news. They will have a strategy for the crowd inhibitors at the next rally, but until then the media will crow about the fact that the stadium was not full, even though it was tens of thousands of more people than Pedo can draw on his best day.

  2. “Five months from now we’re going to defeat sleepy Joe Biden. … We are going to stop the radical left, and we’re going to build a future of safety and opportunity for Americans of every race color, religion and creed.”

    May well defeat Biden (I’d bet on it) but as to the rest … not so sure.
    The “radical left” ain’t going anywhere – their hatred and viciousness will increase exponentially when President Trump is re-elected. Their fraud machine will have been overcome, probably by pure numbers of Americans turning out to support him, and that will send them into paroxysms of rage.

    They’ll send out their pawns (negroes, mexicans, whiggers, looters, arsonists, BrownShirts, BrownPampers, SD, SA, whatever Soros, Steyer, and Gates can afford, &c.) to destabilize the cities that have not, yet, been infected.

    More corporate America will succumb to mawkish self-denigration for the sake of the elusive #BLM dollars – and more anti-#BLM (actual Americans) will be disgusted. The cities and states which have allowed, even encouraged, violence and “protest” will demand that America bail them out – and both Congress and the Supremes will side with the extortioners.

    The “silent majority” gave Nixon a 49 state victory and then stood idly as the totalitarians destroyed him.
    Republics are notoriously timid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It was great to see a Trump rally again.
    The left wing propaganda machine are all claiming it was a flop because there were empty seats.
    Trump mentioned something had happened outside.
    It was hard to find but I guess protesters, aka bullies, showed up and were blocking people and blocking the metal detector and stopping people from getting in.
    No right think report said anything about that.
    They also didn’t mention that Sniffy Joe couldn’t even fill a school gym last week in Philadelphia.

  4. I laughed a couple of times during that rally just because he was being lighthearted and funny.

    I, as a Q follower, did “watch the water”. He took a small sip and then tossed the majority of it out.

    Kind of like the Washington swamp; he kept only the one’s he needs and tossed the rest.

  5. I understand that Democrat Zoomer brats flooded the ticket line with requests to crowd out / block true MAGA fans From getting tickets. I’m sure lots of people stayed away because they thought it was hopeless and they’d never get in. I was thinking that as soon as I heard about a million ticket requests. What a bunch of a@@holes. There needs to be a better way of getting tickets to true supporters.

  6. I think Trump needs a new campaign manager. I’ve heard Brad Parscale is probably too light weight and a pal of the Jared/Ivanka wing. When they started talking a million that set the bar way too high and some people probably didn’t go thinking they wouldn’t get in. Add to that the violent protestors, a curfew that was set and repealed, and the hyping of a covid second wave and reporting every new case breathlessly along with carting out Fauci, the little F-er, to talk about no football and he wouldn’t go to a super spreader event like a Trump rally it was bound to have some attendance issues. Frankly I look at it as thousands of people showed up, everyone was peaceful and happy and Joe Biden can’t draw a crowd of 50. If the best they can be happy about is they didn’t have as big of a crowd for the first rally amidst everything going on that is pretty sad for them. And it doesn’t translate into anything for Biden. Viewership on TV and streaming was huge. And I donated to him yesterday, probably a lot of others did too.


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