Trump May Cut Off Socialist Venezuela’s Last Leg – IOTW Report

Trump May Cut Off Socialist Venezuela’s Last Leg


DAILY CALLER: President Donald Trump’s administration is seriously considering placing an embargo on Venezuelan oil, which could be the final blow to an economy and nation that are on the verge of total collapse.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in Venezuela on Feb. 4 that the administration might impose restrictions on Venezuelan oil imports in order to pressure socialist President Nicolás Maduro to return to a constitutional form of government.

Venezuela can’t afford to lose its trading ties to the U.S. The nation’s oil production is at a three-decade low, producing at roughly half the levels it was in the 1990s, according to a January report from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Oil revenues account for 90 percent of the Venezuelan government’s hard currency, and the U.S. is the nation’s largest buyer. MORE HERE

14 Comments on Trump May Cut Off Socialist Venezuela’s Last Leg

  1. Crude oil is like money. It is completely fungible.
    For what it’s worth. Venezuela had a serious problem with infants dying of starvation. But they solved the problem. It is now illegal to list “starvation” as the cause of death of an infant at a hospital.

  2. Trump is so mean. It is such a shame that Hillary didn’t win so she could have continued the hard work that Obama did to create his legacy.
    Everybody knows that Venezuela is having a tough time because the wrong people are in charge. Socialism done right needs the right person in charge.

  3. Make good on the threat. And prohibit US investors from buying the Venezuelan Debt. We have more that enough debt created by Congress.
    Let socialism die or be overthrown. We can then help those who fight against tyrannical socialism and choose liberty.

  4. No no no no, Larry. It’s not the leader! It’s everyone else!

    The official line is that it’s the US that’s causing all the problems they are having. This will look exactly like Maduro is right. I’m interested in seeing how it plays from there.

    I’ve yet to read the article. I’ll be looking for the carrots and face saving offers from Trump that can make for a real help getting them out of Socialism’s cancer whether they admit that’s what’s happening or not. If it’s just a cut off – what’s the plan and policy going forward?

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