Trump may sign executive order to probe Silicon Valley for potential violations – IOTW Report

Trump may sign executive order to probe Silicon Valley for potential violations

WaTimes: President Trump’s administration has drafted an executive order directing federal authorities to investigate the business practices of major internet companies, paving the way for potential antitrust probes into firms including Facebook and Google, Bloomberg News reported Saturday.  more here

10 Comments on Trump may sign executive order to probe Silicon Valley for potential violations

  1. I wouldnt object to this. Not one bit. They have a plan and it is not for our benefit. They backed obombacare and the motive for obombacare was to control every facet of our lives to deny care (eventually) to those they disagreed with. They would (or are) control every aspect of our lives from banking (see Alex Jones) to health care.

    I often wondered if there was an ulterior motive for google to drive all over the world on every road and record everything.

  2. Old Guy:
    You are spot on .
    GeStaPo is the German shorthand for ‘Geheim Statten Politzie’
    ( Secret State Police )
    Google has SECRETLY tracked browser histories and steered the search content for its’ users without their knowledge or consent.

    Different Tim :
    I predict the comically self -unaware Lefties are going to loose their shit loudly and (maybe) even violently.

    The were against ‘monopolies’ when the targets of anti-trust suits were ‘conservative’ plutocrats. Now that the targets of scrutiny are left-leaning DNC campaign donoting crony capitalists, these same ‘principled liberals ‘ will become the biggest laissez-faire supporters we have ever seen.


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