Trump: Mike Pence and I are in total agreement – IOTW Report

Trump: Mike Pence and I are in total agreement

General Dispatch

19 Comments on Trump: Mike Pence and I are in total agreement

  1. This is the most important moment in our countries history except for the Declaration of Independence.

    Now we have to rely on Vice President Pence to save our Republic.

    I pray that he has the courage to do so.

  2. I doubt Pence will do anything like this, or that the end result would be at all good for America if he did.

    But Congressional objection to the electors, although they will not change the outcome, will at least allow the Republicans to openly and publicly present the actual proof of fraud they claim to have to the American people and let them decide the issue in the next election.

  3. I’m not counting on Mike. I am counting on everyone in my close knit circle of friends just like they are counting on me. My two worthless
    Senators, Graham & Scott have zero interest in maintaining the republic now that they’ve be re-elected. They prefer the pre-Trump operating system instead of the America First OS. I posted a link in the bullpen if you’re so inclined…

  4. Anonymous, you are either high, a troll, delusional, or a weapons grade level of stupid the likes of which should have you in the running to earn a darwin award. “Hey, they showed us evidence of massive fraud and proved the election was stolen, so gee, I know! Let’s let them just roll with it until next time and then we’ll deal with it.” You are just fucking dumber than a bucket of shit and have less value. Do humanity a favor and kiss the underside of a moving train.


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