Trump Mocks Chuck Schumer’s Tears; Vows to ‘Make America Safe Again’ – IOTW Report

Trump Mocks Chuck Schumer’s Tears; Vows to ‘Make America Safe Again’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump answered critics of his immigration restrictions from seven high-risk countries in the Middle East, sending a message out on Twitter.

“Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning,” he wrote. “Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer teared up during a press conference on Sunday, calling Trump’s executive order “mean spirited and un-American.” On Monday, he stated his intent to ask for a vote in the Senate to repeal Trump’s order.

Trump did not signal any intention of backing down. Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office on Monday, he dismissed Schumer’s tears as “fake.”

“I noticed that Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears, I’m going to ask him who is his acting coach, because I know him very well. I don’t see him as a crier,” Trump said. “If he is, he’s different man. There’s about a 5 percent chance that it was real but I think they were fake tears.”  MORE

SNIP: It’s about freakin’ time!   Why did we have to wait this long for someone to call out Schumer for the phony bastard that he is?

13 Comments on Trump Mocks Chuck Schumer’s Tears; Vows to ‘Make America Safe Again’

  1. Alligator tears on the left have terrorized regular (i. e. not snowflake liberals with stupid causes) to try to force us to be labelled as heartless and mean.

    STOP IT! Trump ain’t buyin’ it and neither should we.

    BTW obamzer0 loves this stuff he’s sitting up and watching cnn and other fake news outlets feeling like his idiot followers are missing him. I say get losted.

  2. It is absolutely mind boggling to see all of these Jewish Democrat Communist Party Senators and Congressmen taking the stance of wanting to bring in these po’ ole’ Islamic savage refugees who given the chance would butcher them on the spot as demanded by their evil “religion” just for being Jewish and ahem American.

    Same applies to all of these dumb “feminist” twats wanting to bring in Islamic savages who would make them wear burkas, endure “honor” killings, stonings for adultery, and be treated worse than slaves.

    Let’s round up all of these democrat party pukes and ship ’em to one of these Islamic hell holes in the Middle East that they are so eager to protect. Let them try their protests there and see how far they get. They wouldn’t last out a day.

  3. Please send a packet, or half a packet – loosies — of Kleenex tissues to the Senator. Youse don’t havta say nuttin.’ He’ll get the message.
    Senator Charles Schumer
    Leo O’Brien Building, Room 420
    Albany, NY 12207.
    Hopefully there will be many more crying days to come.

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