Trump Moves Toward Mandatory Drug Testing for Food Stamp Recipients – IOTW Report

Trump Moves Toward Mandatory Drug Testing for Food Stamp Recipients

Dangerous: Bad news for drug users on the dole: President Trump’s administration aims to just say no to handing out government cheese to those who fail a drug test.

The plan would require states adopt a drug testing policy for food stamp recipients and would be a victory for fiscal conservatives looking to stop pouring money into social programs.

An administration official noted the new policy would be applied to able-bodied people, without children or dependents, and who are seeking certain specialized jobs. If implemented, the new plan could affect about 5% of people on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.  MORE


16 Comments on Trump Moves Toward Mandatory Drug Testing for Food Stamp Recipients

  1. “Money for nuthin’
    and your dope for free.”

    (apologies to Dire Straits)

    Poor fukkin poor folks will have to go through the same shit as the working folks.
    It is to weep.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. able-bodied people, without children or dependents, ………so the baby mommas are free and clear to use their payments for drugs?
    Affects 5 % of recipients?
    Why not all?

  3. The ACLU will be livid about this. Too fX#king bad. The liberal rules have made the path to a squandered life almost irresistible to far too many people who have fallen victim to other reckless and idiotic rules that have cost jobs and futures.

  4. Now rig every cash register in the entire country to let out a loud ‘Ding!’ every time an EBT card is used, so the rest of us working stiffs can say: “You’re welcome!”

  5. Grool, the millions who are grossly overweight suffer from ‘metabolic syndrome,’ are malnourished, vitamin deficient and likely to die. The solution is to offer a lifetime supply of Twinkies and cellulose-based BigMacs… all they can eat. Plus a reporting station to turn their bodies into heating fuel so nothing goes to waste.

  6. The money taxpayers will save by not providing food stamps to the people who know they won’t be able to pass will help pay for the drug tests. Additionally, food stamp recipients under Trump have declined by more than two million, so I’m not worried about where the money will come from. I’m with Grool—if cheating is going to be uncovered and addressed, this is a great way to start.


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