Trump mulling 2024 election rally in South Bronx – IOTW Report

Trump mulling 2024 election rally in South Bronx

NYP: Former President Trump is in talks for a blowout rally in the south Bronx in a bid to court black voters and turn the Empire State red in the 2024 presidential election, The Post has learned.

Trump was in deep discussion about a potential rally with New York Young Republican President Gavin Wax during his stopover at the group’s gala in New York City this week.

“He said he liked the idea, he wants the club to lead it. I said we have a large Hispanic caucus and a large black caucus that could lead the way,” Wax said.

The two spoke for more than 30 minutes during the gala’s dinner service, and Trump repeatedly praised Wax during his official remarks to guests.

“I thought he should just walk up and down the Grand Concourse and see what happens,” Wax said. more here

15 Comments on Trump mulling 2024 election rally in South Bronx

  1. New York State has 19.6 million people. 8.5 million people voted for President in 2020. Biden beat Trump by 2 million votes or 2.5% of the vote….It takes very little cheating at the population centers to cover 2 million votes…..The whole 2020 Presidential election was stolen from top to bottom…

  2. I think he should. Even if he doesn’t win NYC I think it would take away from the “(the Democrat) won the popular vote.” Just think what would happened if the Dems have to put their cheating efforts into winning areas they traditionally bank on.

    If Trump targets those areas that are taking it in the shorts to accommodate illegals, it will be a good thing. That would shake the foundation of the Democratic cheat machine.

  3. Briansbigfatidea

    I can’t speak for NY state. But I can for Cali. The Bay Area and Los Angeles decide the vote. The balance of the state is conservative. The balance of the state are also the revenue producers. How does the crack head in L.A. have a bigger voice than the rice grower in Gridley? It’s fucked up.

  4. Willy. Don’t attack me bro, but you’re 100 percent correct. The difference between New York and the rest of the nation election night is New York didn’t need to pause the vote to go find MORE Biden votes. AZ is front and center on that bull shit.

  5. No Brad I wasn’t attacking you. I agree with the electoral state vote because New York State is about 80% red….My point was for that dumbass Loco, though I tried to state it politely and not point fingers at that dumbass Loco, ya know with his dumbass receipts and all, so I provided him some receipts….

  6. No Brad I wasn’t attacking you. I agree with the electoral state vote because New York State is about 80% red….My point was for that dumba** Loco, though I tried to state it politely and not point fingers at that dumba**Loco, ya know with his dumba** receipts and all, so I provided him some receipts….

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