WaExaminer: It’s been a tough year for political elites, here and around the world, what with the passage of Brexit in June in Britain, the repudiation of Colombia’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient in the October FARC referendum and of America’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient in the November presidential election.
Not all the consequences are clear. But one thing seems true: the election of President-elect Trump has put the kibosh on two projects long pursued by American elites, the entitlement reform sought by conservative elites and the measures to address climate change sought by liberal elites.
Neither problem is pressing right now. But elites believe that America is headed to disaster — fiscal ruin, flooded plains — if current policies remain in place. These elites believe they have a responsibility to look far ahead and prevent disasters that they, unlike most ordinary people, foresee. more
That’s a pretty empty article, in that it doesn’t really give much basis for the claims made. Although the author says that the excessive expense (and subsequent impact on Federal spending – and DEBT) of Entitlements is more based in reality than the Leftist Climate Change cr*p, he gives no hint as to why that is something the Right “elites” want, much less demanded, nor why Trump would not consider it.
“Conservative and liberal elites may have superior long-range vision.But they’re not going to get the policies they want for the next four years.”
Notice this, the second to last sentence of the article,” “Conservative and liberal elites may have superior long-range vision.” Which sums up the whole thing as total bullshit.