Trump Now Wants MORE Guest Workers: ‘I Changed My Mind’ – IOTW Report

Trump Now Wants MORE Guest Workers: ‘I Changed My Mind’


DailyCaller: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump inexplicably changed his position on the H-1B visa program in Thursday’s Fox News debate, saying Silicon Valley actually does need to import tech workers for jobs instead of hiring Americans.

“We need highly skilled people in this country,” Trump told Megyn Kelly in the debate, when she questioned him about statements he’s made that contradict the policy of reducing access to the visas outlined on his website. “I changed my mind,” he added.

The reversal comes on the heels of a huge endorsement from Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Utah, who is leading the pro-worker immigration movement-


38 Comments on Trump Now Wants MORE Guest Workers: ‘I Changed My Mind’

  1. 7/7/2015 He (Cruz) also discussed H-1B visas arguing that in the status quo, “every year US colleges and universities educate tens of thousands of foreign students who are getting masters and PhDs in engineering and math and computer science, and we’re sending them back to their countries. And as a result, they’re going back to their countries, they’re starting businesses there. They’re creating jobs there, and their companies are competing with us and taking jobs away from us. I don’t think that makes any sense. So, I’ve introduced legislation to increase the number of H-1B visas, if there are people who are educated and talented and creating jobs, the data shows for every H-1B visa holder that comes in, he or she creates 1.7 jobs for Americans here. I want job creations, I want innovators, I want new opportunities for America.” Cruz was asked about Disney’s use of H-1B visas to replace US workers who were forced to train their replacements, he stated that he didn’t know the facts of the Disney case, so he couldn’t comment.

    Cruz still hasn’t commented on Disney – this was in July, 2015

  2. Man this guy sure gives me trepidation. When I hear him say, maybe we don’t need that wall or the “syrian refugees” can stay, then my head will explode.

    If that does happen, what’s next? Armed revolution? TSHTF?

  3. No “slip ups” or “flip flops” really make a difference, after such an assassination attempt, like CNBC’s Fox’s “debate.”

    I don’t expect much different from next week’s in Miami, either. It would bee too “inconvenient” to discuss support for the Trans Pacific Trade Deal, and its implications for our nation.

  4. If I were Peter Cottontail or Peter Rabbit I’d be looking over my shoulder because the angry farmer Mr. McGregor AKA the American people is after you for getting into his garden and he’s pissed and has a shotgun. And he ain’t no Elmer Fudd either.

  5. When you arrest someone letting him talk is a good way to find out what he is thinking. I always thought Trump talked to much. Too many interviews. Too
    Many debates. This is why the left doesn’t want many interviews or debates.
    Loose lips sink campaigns

  6. As Trump has repeatedly said “everything is open to negotiation”.
    He has no firm positions, except for the wall, and that Israel is equally responsible for the problems with their neighbors.
    He also just added, thankfully as everybody has been eagerly awaiting the news, that his penis size is also not negotiable as it is substantially larger than adequate.
    Reminds me of an Alice Cooper concert. The crowd roars as he shouts out “we got no class! we got no principles!”
    Obviously character is way overrated.

  7. TO JohnS

    As the newest Cruz troll, maybre you can start a RADICAL trend: using FACTS and REASONED ARGUMENTATION as to why thinking people like us here should support Ted Cruz…instead of your anti-Trump adolescent snark. Gets really old fast, buster.

  8. Hey Pageoturner,

    Before you try to paint Cruz with the Trump brush maybe you should look at Cruz’s actual proposal and NOT merely a quote from one hearing. While he initially supported expansion and for me it was my reason for not supporting him then, but after learning of the abuse what he did then proved where he stands. He went from wanting an expansion to creating a massive disincentive for the use of VISAs.

    Unlike Trump, Cruz didn’t stake out a drastic anti-VISA position only to then say he reversed himself, followed by his campaign trying to save his butt after he admitted his true position.

    For Cruz he started by making a mistake in supporting what he thought would help only to find out the truth and correct his position and then fight hard to fix the problem.

    So exactly how are Trump and Cruz alike again?

    From the article;

    U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, has morphed from a vocal supporter of the H-1B program to a leading critic of it. He has done so in a new H-1B reform bill (PDF) that sets a minimum wage of $110,000 for H-1B workers. By raising the cost of temporary visa workers, Cruz is hoping to discourage their use. Cruz also wants to eliminate Optional Practical Training Program (OPT). The co-sponsor of this bill, The American Jobs First Act of 2015, is U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who called the OPT program “a backdoor method for replacing American workers.”

  9. Are folks supporting Trump so accepting of a Twitter comment or a written campaign response versus the lengthy and clear statements of Trump himself?

    His statement about H1B Visas wasn’t a small change from his supposed original position, but a complete reversal. So how does his campaign suggest that this was merely a miss-statement?

  10. Czar; You are projecting.
    By the way, after getting the discussion of his Vienna sausage out of the way he claimed on Fox news that he would give our troops illegal orders, specifically having them kill the families of terrorists, and that he would make sure they didn’t refuse.
    My son is in the army. If Trump forces my son to chose between court marshal and kicking a door down and intentionally shooting a 5 year old kid this dad and hundreds of thousands of other dads will be angry enough that there will be action.
    Yes, I prefer Cruz, but I would take Rubio before Trump.

  11. H1B visas do have a place in the US and our economy, to flat out hate them or want to ban them is a slippery slope.

    When used correctly, we are able to import knowledge, skill and desire.

    However, many employers use H1B to import value over substance. This is a problem and the reason why common people think H1B is just stealing jobs.

    Part of the problem is not with H1B but with other regulations, H1B is decoupled from its primary influencing factors. There’s a reason why foreign students use our colleges, then leave never to return, where they use their knowledge to grow economies elsewhere.

    Innovation is stifled in the US, especially because of huge controlling agencies such as the EPA and FDA, taxes are a burden and this is just the Federal level. Localities demand their own on top of what the feds already stole! Domestic organizations are also trying to overcome these obstacles and H1B offers value which helps recoup or outright ignore some of the regulatory and tax burden.

    Fix the problem with trying to bleed innovators dry and H1B becomes a non issue.

  12. I hope Trump wins.
    The GOP is a whore
    If Hilary wins we’ll have a civil war during a total economic collapse.
    MRE’s and 22 shells will be the new currency
    Just like Dave Thomas from the movie Strange Brew when the brakes are out in the van:
    “No point in steering now:

  13. Visa immigration, they’re all the same to libturds. Trump has gotten to acceptance by the lib media, as they are now putting words in his mouth. He says one thing, they report it as another. But his haters will take the reports as gospel. Trump was talking about his stance on F-1 Student Visa, not H1-B. The media hasn’t gotten used to the difference between legal and illegal immigration, never will. Now it’s the Visa programs.

    Now that they got the penis size thing going, I can’t wait for the ‘boxer-briefs’ discussion.

  14. the actual answer should be… the reason we need H1B is the US educational system is so poor we can’t find enough technically qualified people here & have to go outside to find them

  15. BFH, you want to criticize one of your loyal readers, huh? Do you read Trump’s Tweets? LMAO. He’s like a teenage girl. “Childish” even. Do you ever ask why does he pay off so many politicians? Because he’s his own damn special interest, fools. A true Trump lobbyist.

  16. The funny thing with Trump is that he says things that contradict his positions as stated on his website. And then when you bring it up, he and his supporters blast you for “not doing your homework” and being “a lazy bum” as Czar has called me. My question is this: does Trump know what’s on his website? Does he agree with those positions? I’ve looked and I like what his website says. I’m just not sure the Donald does.

  17. What I mostly see a lot of is Trump haters twisting his words and intentions and trying to destroy the only decent chance we have of turning this country away from complete destruction, and letting the same old incompetent boobs that have already failed stay in office to rape the American people for money and power. If you’re looking for perfection in a candidate, you won’t find it here on Earth.

    TRUMP 2016!

  18. @Zonga – “Trump is throwing the nomination to Cruz as planned.”

    Where did that come from? Serious question. What leads you to that conclusion?

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