Trump: Obama Didn’t Have the Right to Sign ‘Totally Illegal’ DACA Order – IOTW Report

Trump: Obama Didn’t Have the Right to Sign ‘Totally Illegal’ DACA Order

Bongino: Early this morning President Trump was busy tweeting about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Trump made a strong point that for those who believe it is unlawful for him to rescind DACA, they need to understand that DACA itself may have been unlawful to implement in the first place by President Obama. In June of 2012 President Obama enacted DACA which allows young people who came to the United States as children to be able to apply for driver’s licenses and work permits. Although it did not provide citizenship, it allowed them to be ‘lawfully present’ without the threat of deportation on a two-year reprieve.

In 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration would end DACA and that they were looking to Congress to find a replacement program. In June of this year the Supreme Court “agreed to decide whether plans by the Trump administration to end the so-called DACA program for young undocumented immigrants can proceed. The justices announced…they will hear oral arguments on the appeal in its next term, which begins in October.” The ruling is expected to be released in the year of the highly contested 2020 elections. read more

6 Comments on Trump: Obama Didn’t Have the Right to Sign ‘Totally Illegal’ DACA Order

  1. We all saw how Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America” autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, maladroit, fundamentally-transforming Marxist Muzlim Mallard would do anything he wanted cuz he had a pen and a phone. He also demonstrated many times that laws mean nothing without enforcement… he did whatever he wanted.

  2. @jarhead ~ a case has to be presented to the court before the court can rule on it … the conservative side needs to sue when the communist/progressives makes unconstitutional ‘law’ … & didn’t (not to my knowledge, anyway)

    Trump had the cajones to present it to SCOTUS

    (I’m assuming you’re railing against Obama’s usurpation of power & railing against Roberts for allowing it … unless I’m misreading your post, which possibly is the case)


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