Trump: Ohio, North Dakota And Idaho To Begin Opening On May 1 – IOTW Report

Trump: Ohio, North Dakota And Idaho To Begin Opening On May 1

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump announced that three more states will begin a phased reopening process on May 1 after meeting the requirements for decreasing cases of COVID-19.

The governors of Ohio, North Dakota and Idaho all intend to begin the process. Reopening will occur in three phases for each state according to the severity of their outbreaks. Minnesota began relaxing distancing guidelines on Friday, but states with the most critical outbreaks like New York, New Jersey and Louisiana may take much longer to reach phase one. more

8 Comments on Trump: Ohio, North Dakota And Idaho To Begin Opening On May 1

  1. It will be a start, but as we all know, the MSM is going to be slinging mud the whole way thru, blaming any and all deaths that might occur on Trump.

    I can already hear the cries about white supremacy in ID, Native American vulnerability in ND and LeBron piping in on everything Ohio. Know we are going to see Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar on CNN and MSNBC 24/7 when they open up MN (hopefully Al Franken doesn’t pop his head up from his gopher hole).

  2. May 1st is 12 days from tomorrow, please open up Idaho as I do most of my business there and Montana as well. I worked again today delivering flowers over to the Missoula area, The only thing good about it right now is that I-90 both east and westbound are almost deserted and I had the road to myself for most of my trip back from Missoula, there are still lots of truckers but fewer people are on the road because of the shutdown. A lot of people in Montana South of Missoula towards Hamilton in the Bitterroot valley were out today on a lot of the rivers just taking advantage of a very nice warm day and no one was bothering them, it was nice to see. For crying out loud end this madness soon and let us go back to work full time. We’re all going stir crazy, at least I feel like that at times. I never want to see this ever happen again to America. Pray also that no nuts on either side of the political landscape goes full John Brown and sparks any kind of violent incident that would lead to chaos.

  3. …nah, Ohio’s not opening, DeWhinne HATES President Trump and will do ANYTHING to make him look bad so he can get back to his comfort zone of bowing to Democrat tyrants, plus he’s a wholly-owned subsidiary of his baby-mudering Democrat witch anyway, so no help THERE. Ohio is CLOSED until everyone starves or Hillary is President, or both would be his PREFERRED outcome, sorry.

    …Heavy, I know. Here, enjoy this funny song that strings together formerly free State names, including Ohio, as some recompense…

  4. …but then, I’m a little jaded. That squint-eyed discount Castro cancelled me knee surgery the day I got my physical for it, and there were ZERO COVID cases in ANY of the EMPTY County hospitals the day I was SUPPOSED to have it, so I get a little more pissed at this foppish little fucker with every step I take, and I HAVE to take a LOT of steps to make a living, so I may be just a touch biased.

    Still doesn’t change the fact he’s a Never-Trumper though. The President best NOT trust this little shitweasel, he still stinks of Obama’s ass crack for a REASON…

    ….Ohio’s ALWAYS been cursed with deep blue RINO “republicans”, just kind of an effect of Democrats seizing the major cities, incubating poverty, want, hatred, and dependence in the cities, and then using Section 8 to metastasize it throughout entire counties, plus the Unions owning most of NW OH because of all the factories serving Detroit there.

    You thought Kasisch was bad? Kasisch’s got NOTHING on THIS pompous little ass…

  5. I live in FL and we opened the beaches last week. Of course the media used old stock footage of the spring break crowds. Good way to stir things up and make more panic-money. The good news is that some people took same-day drone video flying over the beaches. No crowds just people chilling and relaxing in the sun


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