Trump On Black People Killed By Police: ‘So Are White People’ – IOTW Report

Trump On Black People Killed By Police: ‘So Are White People’

Daily Caller -President Donald Trump dismissed the notion that black Americans are being killed by police in disproportionate numbers Tuesday, telling CBS News’ Catherine Herridge that police kill white Americans too.

“Let’s talk about George Floyd,” Herridge began. “You said George Floyd’s death was a terrible thing. Why are African Americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country?”

“And so are white people,” Trump responded. “So are white people. What a terrible question to ask. So are white people — more white people, by the way, more white people.” 

Herridge also asked Trump about his disdain for movements against Confederate monuments and symbols, which he argued are freedom of speech issues. more here

17 Comments on Trump On Black People Killed By Police: ‘So Are White People’

  1. Great response Mr. President.
    Take no nonsense from the Fake News personas. Don’t let the false premise of the questions stand unchallenged.

    (Catherine, you ignorant slut…)

  2. Many are familiar with Byron York. Here’s the header of a column of his:

    The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification
    7/15/2020, 10:50:52 AM · by rintintin · 36 replies
    Byron York ^ | July 15 2020 | Byron York, Washington Examiner


    Eat Goya beans! Then when you pass a liberal, fart in their general direction!

  3. This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore,” Trump said of protesters. “Today we will set history and history’s record straight.”

  4. The Washington Compost plays “funny money” with their police shooting stats to make it appear in their main graph that more blacks are killed than whites.

    Whites are killed almost 50% higher than blacks numerically. They fudge vs a percentage per so many million. Fundamentally mendacious presentation.

  5. Too bad about Herridge. We used to respect her. Now I guess she’s been injected with the Quisling/Goebbels/Riefensthal virus. CBS must have a railroad car full of the stuff. Any con to maintain a fat salary…

  6. “Trump On Black People Killed By Police: ‘So Are White People’”

    …well, THAT cut right through the bullshit!

    …shoulda dropped the mic and strutted away, really nothing else anyone can say…

  7. Quite the change since someone new is signing her paycheck.

    Sorry but you’ll find that a few more dollars isn’t going to repurchase all the good will you’d build or buy back your soiled reputation.

    You should have thought a little more before throwing everything away, nobody will take you seriously again.

  8. In 2018, 27.4% of all arrests were Black or African American.
    (See FBI Table 43)

    Of the 1,002 deaths by law enforcement in 2018, about 250, or 25%, were of blacks. (See FBI Table42).


    In 2018 (FBI data) about 83.33% of all blacks murdered were murdered by another Black.

    48 law enforcement officers feloniously killed
    28 of the alleged murderers were White,
    15 were Black/African American,
    and 5 Unknown
    See 2018 FBI Table 42 for deeper details.

    This means Blacks (41M) or about 11.98% of the US Population were responsible for 34.88% of all Police Murders and 27.4% of all US arrests.

    So let us pin the tail on the right Donkey for being murderous.

  9. Why are African Americans still doing stuff they know could cause them to end up dying at the hands of law enforcement (or armed citizen) in this country?
    It’s not like the precedent hasn’t been made.

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