Trump on the Rampage – IOTW Report

Trump on the Rampage

American Thinker:

Every so often in the history of achievement, you get what I call the “20-hour a day guy.”  These are people who survive on very little sleep, usually 3-4 hours a night, and spend the other 20 hours a day working at a feverish pace.

The most notable example is the Renaissance artist Michelangelo, who was the greatest painter, sculptor, architect and even poet of his lifetime.  Michelangelo’s output of work is so staggering, it takes years of study just to view it, so the idea of one person actually producing that much work defies comprehension.

If you’ve ever been to Rome or Florence, or looked through an Art History book, you’ve seen some of his work. In sculpture, Michelangelo is known for the David, the Pietá, Moses, The Medici Tombs, and many other works, carved out of solid marble.  All carved by hand, with no electricity to run pneumatic polishers or grinders, or to provide electric light.

Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling, in 4 years no less, and it’s arguably the greatest achievement in painting, ever.

In the same chapel, many years later, he painted The Last Judgment over the altar, another mind-bogglingly great artistic feat.

Michelangelo also designed great architecture, like the dome of St Peter’s at the Vatican, and a famous library in Florence.  His poetry output was so great, and of such a high standard, that he was considered the greatest poet of the 16th century.

Other ’20-hour a day’ people are the singer Madonna, the writers Alexander Dumas and Isaac Asimov, and one notable person who is the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Donald Trump has been an overachieving workaholic for most of his adult life, but he’s also surrounded himself with overachievers. In addition to being accustomed to getting a lot done on a regular basis, Trump has always been a quick learner, with the ability to implement knowledge as he picks up insights into unfamiliar processes.  The way he’s ended 2017, with such important accomplishments under his belt, shows that he’s finding his feet as President, and getting comfortable with the production pipeline of government.  If you look at how Trump’s momentum has built month-by-month as he figured out how to get things done in his new surroundings, you’ll know that 2018 is going to be dynamite. read more

32 Comments on Trump on the Rampage

  1. And yet the MSM is going nuts because he plays golf (trust me I know why they do it). This man is up early and gets so much done before he ever hits the course, works while he is golfing, and works after. He reminds me of that old Army ad “In the Army, we do more before 9AM than. most people do all day.”

  2. I don’t know which is more “impactful”………….having a man like Trump in office………..OR…………..getting rid of a gay, socialist, half-baked, jive-ass muslim. WHO is indicative of the sorry state of our electorate!!! Mooshelle gone is an added bonus!!!

  3. Yet the media keeps cranking out stories about how he’s drugged-out, tired, bad-tempered and must be pampered on overseas trips. Basically, calling him Hillary.

    You are not being served well by your Baghdad Bob media, Democrats. They tell you what you want to hear, not the truth. You will continue to be shocked by events if you keep buying into the projection.

  4. I remember billionaire blowhard Mark Cuban on the Colbert show, pre election, stating (Trump) “doesn’t do the work, he’s lazy,” to thunderous applause from the audience.
    I just love watching “Best compilation of people who laughed at Trump.” on youtube. It makes my day. MAGA!

  5. If you watch his early (’80s, ’90s, ’00s) interviews with various celeb interviewers, he is asked about the success of his businesses, etc. This is where he talks about his “secrets” of being up in the small hours of the morning, reading all the newspapers, watching all the news shows, making notes and noting trends. And he does it all without a cup of coffee. These are the things I paid attention to way back when and wondered whether or not he would create a back bench of cabinet and agency heads to pitch hit for the ones he wears out. But as he began to name his cabinet choices it was clear he was careful to find people who could keep pace, even 80+ year-old Wilburine Ross. Each of his cabinet people share the same hard-charging attitude toward their work. These are the men and women who keep a notepad on their night stands and have the interests of their departments and agencies uppermost in their minds so much that just about every encounter, every opportunity is seen through that lens and is seized upon and put to good use. People like that are like a triage team whose entire effort, or mission, takes into account the good of the whole. They give and receive advice, tips and criticism from each other in its intended spirit, and don’t get a rash over whose idea it was or how it might diminish them for not thinking of it. Only the example of an excellent leader can create and sustain a team like that.

    We often think of the Founders and the miracle that so many able, wise men could come together at a particular moment in history. It is lightning in a bottle, a thousand year comet, and I think we are fortunate to see it coming around again.

  6. (I didn’t know where to drop this into a thread, so I’m going rogue) My appointment with Dr. Torgerson is tomorrow, Friday. Thank you my friends for your prayers. I’ll have an update soon on where things stand.

  7. Some, mostly on the left, would like to bring Trump down to their level, which I would classify as jealousy.
    Others, like myself, are envious because I know I’ll never have that level of commitment and the energy to carry out that commitment.
    I, for one, are dam glad he’s on our side

  8. Michelangelo, poet? Painter, sculptor, architect, Yes, indeed! But Poet?

    “No mortal thing enthralled these longing eyes
    When perfect peace in thy fair face I found;
    But far within, where all is holy ground,
    My soul felt Love, her comrade of the skies:
    For she was born with God in Paradise . . . ”

    He goes on, and on, but it don’t get any better. Shakespeare he ain’t. Methinks he should’ve slept a couple of hours and hammered out a few more Davids.

  9. Thanks, guys. I’ve been feeling very calm about the whole thing except every once in a while I start to wonder what it is I have done that is so great that the Lord would call me home already. Then I think maybe it’s because He has given me the total number of chances to do anything and I’m a write-off. Self-pity isn’t my strong suite, but it’s a very human condition under certain circumstances.

    And Vietvet, Guido and Salvatore said they’re looking for the “bag man” — whatever that means. Your name came up. 😉 Just thought I’d let you know.

    really enraged — Ahhhh. Thank you!

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