Big Gov: President Donald Trump issued a memorandum on Thursday to release 2,800 records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, with temporary redactions, to be reviewed over the next six months.
In a White House background briefing on the release, an official said that the order means that President Trump has asked all records to be released with appropriate redactions. Shortly after the Thursday briefing, the National Archives made 2,800 of the JFK records public, with more information to follow, according to an official on the call. The President has also ordered an immediate review of all of the temporary redactions in the next 180 days. The stated intention is to allow as much transparency as possible in the least amount of time.
One of the officials stated that the sensitivity of information declines over time, depending on the type, and there was information in the collection that originated over various periods of time.

Upon release of the Presidential memorandum, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders issued the following statement:
Today, President Donald J. Trump took action to ensure release of the remaining President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records. Accordingly, the National Archives and Records Administration will make approximately 2,800 records available in full for public access today. The remaining records will be released with agency-proposed redactions on a rolling basis in the coming weeks. The President has demanded unprecedented transparency from the agencies and directed them to minimize redactions without delay. The National Archives will, therefore, release more records, with redactions only in the rarest of circumstances, by the deadline of April 26, 2018. MORE
They were due to be released in 25 years from 1992, the date of the Collection Act.
Hello 2017.
Now CNN will have 24 hour coverage identifying Ted Cruz’ father on the grassy knoll.
Kennedy was killed 54 years ago….redactions????….FUCK YOU and your redactions…
The govt doesn’t want to release them because it shows : the super more competent govt from 60 ys ago were already incompetent boobs, the Kennedys were mobbed up druggie scumbags, and the dems were racist scumbags. They need us to not know what utter parasitic filth that they’ve always been.
You got to hate it when you’re right and Rafael Cruz was actually involved.
Trump: “I have no choice — today — but to accept those redactions rather than allow potentially irreversible harm to our nation’s security.”
LOL…must not tear the veil of the CIA and the Deep State.
Obama was born in Hawaii. The rest of his story is complete CRAP!….I don’t have 54 more years to wait for some redacted version of his college transcripts and passport records…..Lay the truth out and let me decide….restore MY AMERICAN faith in the United States government and TRUTH…
Professor Plum, on the grassy Conservatory, with the revolver
… I knew it!
Last time I redacted was when I forgot to inhale that small vile of anal nitrate.
Well anyway you cut it this will make all conspiracy theory freaks to perk up. And maybe for good reason. What could possibly be relevant to “Our spying techniques” 60 years after the fact. Now I’m thinking they are waiting for GH to pack it in. No wonder he’s fondling every female ass he can find.
Slightly off topic, but ties into this post and one a few days ago….I worked and became friends with some Laotians. We were the same age. I missed being drafted for Vietnam by 4 years. My friends from Laos were in it when they were about 8 years old…..Khom said “We shoot at everybody Willy”…he meant the Vietcong, Pathet Lao, Americans……He is a very proud American with two proud American children…..Yet there are idiots that said we were never in Laos…..just give me the truth you government pond scum…
I chose to ignore the theories about Kennedy , because I knew there wouldn’t be an answer !
I use to hire a bunch of Vietnamese and Hmong. A great people. Loved them. I once walked into our deburring/metal finishing room, all Asians, on December 7th. I loudly announced, “It’s December 7th, the day the Vietnamese bombed Pearl Harbor”. They all laughed hysterically. Great employees. They loved my wife and constantly brought here gifts, and realized the jokester I was immediately. We had an old guy working for us. Admittedly Viet Cong. Barely spoke English but with the help of one of the other Asians that spoke pretty good English told the entire shop during a lunch break of the horrors of the Viet Cong. We were a tight knit group. That same old man, at the time I’m guessing 65 to 68 asked me to put some dumb ass paper hat on my head in the company gym. (Yea we had our own gym). I’m 6’2, he was maybe 5 foot. He side kicked that hat off my head. Pretty damn impressive. Of course I told him through an interprature if you kick the big ass white boss in the side of the head you’re fired. Lot’s a laughs. I miss it.
LOL, Yeah Brad….I took Khom and Kong pheasant hunting in Nebraska. Khom showed up with a 12 gauge with an 18 inch barrel and popped a round off about 3 feet out of the truck while racking one in…’s funny in retrospect. About an hour later a covey of quail came out under Kong’s feet….That there was funny!….
I’ll say they’re more American than most NFL athletes. Everyone I’ve ever met was conservative. They or an older family member has seen the other side.
Turns out after all the hoopla in the early 80’s they are a valued member of the conservative base.
Brad….there was another welder that worked with us….his name was Hua. He was different, damaged mentally. He had tattoos on every finger, first knuckle….I finally asked Khom what those tattoos meant. It turned out that he was basically a slave to haul product down the Ho Chi Mein trail and if he got blown up, then they might know who he was…..the Hmong that came to the barbecues I was invited to loved America and treated me well…
The wife and I loved them. We financed our head deburrer and his wife into their first Nail Salon. That damn guy was freaken gifted. They paid us back inside 6 months and last I heard owned 4 Salons. The loss of his talent and leadership cost me bigly.
Freaken wife use to walk into the metal finishing room making all kinds of fake like “Native Language” noises. What an idiot. First time I thought oh my Gawd they’re gonna be pissed. At the end of what sounded like silver ware hitting a granite floor, with everyone staring at her, she says, “well, did I say anything?” They are looking at her with there mouths hanging open. everyone said at the same time “NO” and laughed hysterically. That became a daily event. How racist. I guess when cultures collide.
Brad, hey she tried. I’ve love shit like that. There is nothing wrong with making fun of yourself, at the same time as having fun with people you care about. I hang with a pretty diverse crowd sometimes and we get along great. There is no problem with poking fun at each other.
Joe, we had ten year of epic Christmas parties. Back then I could throw money at my employees. Loved doing it. After 4 years of Obama I couldn’t even keep them on the payroll. I hope at some point in his life the light goes on. And then he cuts his wrists. His worst sin was what he did to small business owners and their employees. The employees were hurt worst. I think.
Except obama wouldn’t care. He intended to do all that.