Trump Orders Secret Russia Docs Dump: Joy! – IOTW Report

Trump Orders Secret Russia Docs Dump: Joy!

25 Comments on Trump Orders Secret Russia Docs Dump: Joy!

  1. Joy?

    I AM one of the Sessions ‘very patient ones’ and threads ago said a DUMP was going to happen post Labor Day.

    Joy will have to wait some. Still…let’s see.

    We have WEEKS before the election for the POTUS to operate…

    BW is SOLID but at 6:34 he questions the idea of The Deep State??? As Conspiracy?


  2. DD

    Was just going to post that when I read yours. I believe, could be wrong, but the Marines are at the Presidents bequest. If that’s the case, lets fucking get it on. I’m good with Military Tribunals.

  3. Joe, two confirmation numbers.
    Doesn’t say guaranteed entry.
    I suppose they distribute a bunch of tickets and first come, first entry.

    It says:

    Event Time: Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 7:00 PM

    DOORS OPEN AT 4:00 PM (PT)
    Las Vegas Convention Center
    3150 Paradise Road
    Las Vegas, NV 89109

    General Information: No posters, banners, or signs may be brought into the event. There is no dress code. No professional cameras with a detachable lens are permitted. No tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, or GoPros. ID is not required for entry. For further questions, please email

  4. Loco, damn, I would like to know how that worked. I did check, and flights are not a problem. Getting into the rally is a much bigger question. If we could buy a ticket and be sure of getting in, I’m 90% there. I s’pose I could wear my “EVENT SECURITY” shirt, that’s gotten me into a couple places. Do you think secret service is on to something like that?

  5. I just sent them am email, I’ll see if they get back to me.

    I’m looking to fly down from Seattle for Thursday’s rally. Is there a way to purchase guaranteed entry? I need two tickets. Loco says money is no object.

    I didn’t really say the last sentence, but I did send an the email asking about guaranteed entry.

  6. Loco, you might be right. I received an “email undeliverable” notification that was about 10 pages long. WTF? I don’t know if I should fly down and take my chances or not. I wonder if people are camping out at the site yet, I’ve seen that some guys get an early start.

  7. Joe — If money is no object, then give the campaign $5K and you’ll be placed in the bleechers behind the POTUS after you leave the meet-n-greet with him (photo included). It’s either that or wait in line for 6-8 hours for a guaranteed seat.


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