Trump Pardons General Flynn – IOTW Report

Trump Pardons General Flynn

National Pulse: Flynn was targetted as part of the Democrat’s Russia collusion hoax, as he plead guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about talking with a Russian diplomat during the 2016 Trump transition. more

24 Comments on Trump Pardons General Flynn

  1. It’s quite infuriating that such a pardon was necessary. I’d much prefer to have seen a higher court throw out Flynn’s guilty plea and throw out all the charges, and then order Sullivan to write Flynn a letter of apology, a detailed letter of apology, listing all the things Sullivan did wrong (as defined by the higher court).

  2. Chief Justice Roberts could have stepped in I think, of course that was never going to happen.
    I’m glad for Flynn but I’d rather if the judge had to dismiss so he’d have his nose rubbed in it. {Yeah I know, easy for me to say, I wasn’t the one on the hook} Anyway it’s not as good as winning against the corrupt son of a bitch. Hopefully he’ll get his.

  3. “…Sidney Powell statement on the pardon of Gen Flynn: “The pardon of Michael Flynn is solely up to the President, but given the corruption we have witnessed in the judiciary and multiple agencies of government executed against General Flynn, this persecution should end,” she said. “The FBI and DOJ have been a national embarrassment for more than 15 years. It was my fervent hope to make our judicial system work to exonerate an innocent man–as all the Left would want were he anyone but Trump or Michael Flynn, but enough is enough. This is sick. It’s painfully obvious Judge Sullivan is playing an evil political game with a good man’s life and family. The entire country deserves better.”

    What’s really sad and maybe telling, is that Powell couldn’t get it done on her own.

  4. @ stirrin the pot:

    What’s really sad and maybe telling, is that Powell couldn’t get it done on her own.

    Powell has been, as an ethical person, constrained to work within the law. The people she’s been fighting, as unethical members of the govt class, were contemptuous of such constraints.

  5. @stirrin, Powell is an attorney.
    There’s only so much an attorney can accomplish in court if the judge is a deceitful POS traitor, iow an anti-American democrat.

    OTOH, if she can shoot, maybe she should get the first shot if perchance Sullivan is justly up against the wall wearing a blindfold


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