Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post – IOTW Report

Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

TheDetroitNews: Lansing — President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said he intends to appoint west Michigan GOP mega donor and philanthropist Betsy DeVos to be his education secretary, putting an ardent supporter of school choice in charge of the nation’s education policy.


DeVos, 58, is seen as a national leader in the school choice movement, which she has called an attempt to “empower” parents to find good schools for their children, whether they be traditional public schools in other neighborhoods, charter schools, virtual schools or private institutions.  more

13 Comments on Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

  1. I can hardly wait to see the email NEA will be sending out. I don’t have a clue how I got on their mailing list but I see a lot of deranged libs there. I’ll bet their heads will be exploding though.

  2. No Transgendered,
    No ‘Little People’
    Nobody who speaks no English
    No one with an eyepatch
    No Cannibals
    No Nihilists
    No Citizens of the Great Apes community
    No avowed Communists
    No channelers of Nefertiti
    No members of the He-Man Women Haters Club of America
    This Trump Cabinet, apparently they could give a shit about Diversity

  3. Yeah the nihilistic Left will have their heads spinning worse than Linda Blair in the Exorcist. That should set off a few thousand nutjobs driving school buses into trees with kids on board, dragging adults who are unarmed and won’t fight back from their cars, and kicking their asses while being filmed on cheap Obamaphones. I think the police departments nation-wide are about ready to hit back hard, screw the Barky doj and that twat Lynch. Barky still minces around like he can do and say what he wants as a treasonist under Soros employ. Fook that half Kenyan jug-eared twat. I hope Trump changes the rules about Secret Service coverage for ex-prezzies, and make the asshole pay for his own coverage.

  4. @Page O’Turner:

    So now Trump has named 2 men and 2 women but not one left handed double amputee cargo cultist. Where’s the diversity, damn it?

    Made me laugh, you did!

    This reminds me that this crap started over 40 years ago. It was that far in the past that I was a computer operations supervisor at American Univ. in DC. I hired a new operator, and she was, no kidding, a black, female, Spanish-surnamed, honorably discharged US Army veteran. I though our HR guy was going to cry he was so happy!

  5. Go over to Breitbart and she doesn’t sound anti-common core:
    “Anti-Common Core grassroots groups of parents and teachers urged Trump to abandon DeVos as his choice, citing her support for the education reform policies of pro-Common Core Jeb Bush and her influence through the Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP) in favor of Common Core.”

    I don’t know, just relating what I read over there.

  6. Listingstarboard – my take exactly – UN Ambassador has to be somebody’s idea of a curse. That Haley would take it shows what a loser she is. Let her deal with self important grifting nobodies doing nothing and going nowhere.

  7. Page–Haley is going to see firsthand the pompous jew hating fucktards that are in the UN. No one there is going to give a flying fig about her “specialness” for being an Indian American. Will serve her right.

  8. One thought I have about the Haley/U.N. appointment is that V.P. character in the movie “Dave” when they send him off to do a world tour just to keep him out of D.C. Too funny when he shows up wearing a straw hat and carrying various artifacts from Papua New Guinea. At least that’s how I remember the scene. 🙂

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