Trump Pledges During Speech to Continue Growing Energy Production, Manufacturing Jobs – IOTW Report

Trump Pledges During Speech to Continue Growing Energy Production, Manufacturing Jobs

Epoch Times:

President Donald Trump highlighted his administration’s commitment to expanding America’s energy sector and adding manufacturing jobs, during a speech at a petrochemical plant in Monaca, Pennsylvania, on Aug. 13.

Work on Shell’s soon-to-be-completed Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex currently employs 5,000 construction workers. Upon completion, the plant, staffed with 600 permanent employees, will churn out up to 1.6 million tons of plastic annually for a wide range of products, from consumer packaging to car parts.

Manufacturing towns such as Monaca helped Trump win the presidential election in 2016. In addition to touting the administration’s progress in the manufacturing and energy sectors, the president covered a wide range of topics during a speech that lasted for more than an hour.

Trump highlighted the economic numbers in Pennsylvania, noting that the recent growth wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been elected president.

“This would’ve never happened without me and without us,” the president said.

Trump won Beaver County, where the plant is located, by 18 points in 2016. MORE

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