Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime – IOTW Report

Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime


Former President Donald Trump on Thursday pledged to eliminate taxes on overtime wages if he is elected back to the White House in November. 

Trump has previously promised to eliminate taxes on tips, and social security benefits. All three proposals appear to be part of an effort to woo working-class and senior voters, groups that could be crucial in November’s election.

“Today, I’m also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime,” Trump told his supporters in Tuscon, Arizona. “The people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country. And for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them. more here

15 Comments on Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

  1. I think this is brilliant (and not just because my hubby has been touting this idea for years). As an employee, it used to annoy me to pay even more taxes on the extra hours I worked. But, as an employer, it’s even more insulting and sometimes just plain unaffordable. This will motivate employees to work more and allow employers to compensate them well.

    And now I’m going to say the quiet part out loud. It will also make the legal payroll for American workers more competitive against the tax-free cash paid to illegal immigrant labor. Experienced English speaking workers are more productive than unskilled foreigners; this will make them more affordable.

  2. I wish that both sides would stop using “Tax Relief or Elimination” as a campaign tool. Prohibition did away with 60% of Federal Tax Income and led to the institution of Income Tax to make up for the shortfall. There is no Free Lunch in this country. Unless you are one of the millions of unemployables that have been hatched over the past four or five generations.

  3. Anyone concerned about tax reduction and federal tax revenue, keep in mind the Laffer Curve. When the gov allows tax payers to keep more of their earnings there is an increase in federal revenue due to the incentive for individuals to work more. It is a win win.

  4. That would have been good for me when I worked inaugurations and other special projects for 21 years. I used to work 28 to 32 days straight for that shit.

    And no, I’m not whining. I know people in the military have it much worse.

    My net for those jobs would have been 20 to 30 thousand dollars. But the taxman took down my trousers and gave me a proper fucking for doing work for them.

    That reminds me of the time the DC gubbment towed my truck when I was working for THEM. Not only did they take my shit, they broke it. I could never open the rear doors after that.

    What was even more bizarre… there was another C&P truck at the impound lot. Had been there over 90 days. How the fuck do you lose a C&P truck and not know it is missing for 3 months?

    We never figured out that mystery.

  5. Considering employers, unbeknownst to most employees, pay a part of their employees’ taxes, it is an incentive to allow more overtime. A win-win for that relationship. And a win for the economy.

    I do remember back in the 70s that working overtime wasn’t all that beneficial if it also kicked you into a higher tax bracket. While it was only a few dollars compared to what I make today, it made more sense to take the time to enjoy spending it with friends and family over selling your life for 20-40 dollars extra in a week and sending more of your hard earned money to the bottomless pit in D.C..

  6. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    Saturday, 14 September 2024, 0:26 at 12:26 am

    “That reminds me of the time the DC gubbment towed my truck when I was working for THEM. Not only did they take my shit, they broke it. I could never open the rear doors after that.”

    …that’s every impound lot everywhere. The cars always have the trunk lock destroyed and at least 1 door damaged with a lock or window broken, and anything of value missing.

    And when you complain, they say they found it like that, and thats the end of it. You can file a complaint, but the city will just tell you the same thing 6 months later.

    My guess is that your truck being a commercial model had a better than average lock on it, so they merely damaged it instead of breaching it, which is why the doors dont work. They are barbarians, not locksmiths, and arent going to spend a lot of time actually thinking about it…

  7. …thing is, while I would GREATLY appreciate it, I dont see how this helps him get elected. People who work overtime are likely to be voting for him anyway, and people working salaried jobs or suckling off the government teat will be voting Democrat anyway, so electorally this is unlikely to move the needle at all.

    Although it WILL help the economy if he WINS.

    Although Im fairly confidant they will never admit it even if it DOES.

    …see Homeland Security illegally taking a role in directing the SS to “monitor” the electoral vote certification at gunpoint for further details…

  8. Quit fucking around and repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments – that would go a long way to straighten out this country.

    Have each Congressional District pay the same amount into the Fed Treasury – it would also stop racial gerrymandering as well as bringing the tax-and-spend fever to an immediate and abrupt end.

    Simple solutions are usually the best.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If the size, scope, power, and cost of government are NOT reduced SIGNIFICANTLY (like 80% at least…I would be happy with 100%), NONE of these cuts will help anyone out. Reducing the amount government STEALS means nothing if they keep spending and simply fill in the gaps with more money created out of thin air. The INFLATION TAX will easily make up for whatever token “cuts” either side is proposing. WHERE ARE THE CUTS going to be Mr. Trump?


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