Trump promised full transparency on scandal documents, State Department didn’t comply – IOTW Report

Trump promised full transparency on scandal documents, State Department didn’t comply

JustTheNews: President Trump has been adamantly clear: He wants all documents from the Russia, Clinton email and Ukraine scandals made public without redactions or exceptions. He’s made the pledge on Twitter, on television and to the key chairmen running investigations in the Senate.

His State Department, however, has been marching to a different beat.

Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), did not get from the department large swaths of documents that they requested, and in some cases subpoenaed, for the committees they chaired. Some of their requests have now been pending by two years or more.

And after months of promising a final production of documents in late October in response to one of Just the News’ lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act, the State Department suddenly reversed course and said it could not release the materials until after the November election. The suit has been pending for a year. read more

9 Comments on Trump promised full transparency on scandal documents, State Department didn’t comply

  1. The corrupt State Dep’t and the rest of the deep state are the reason first time voters put President Trump over the top. Maybe, just maybe, President Trump knew that.


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