Trump Promises Trudeau He Will Raise Case of Detained Canadians With Chinese Leader at G20 – IOTW Report

Trump Promises Trudeau He Will Raise Case of Detained Canadians With Chinese Leader at G20

Epoch Times:

U.S. President Donald Trump says he will raise the case of two Canadians currently detained in China with Communist Party Xi Jinping at the G20 summit next week.

Trump offered his support in a meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Oval Office on Thursday, a week before he and Xi are set to meet at the G20 in Japan, where Trump has a trade meeting scheduled with the Chinese leader. Trudeau has been unable to schedule a meeting with Xi himself.

“We have a meeting set up with President Xi and it’s obviously on the big transaction that we’re talking about and negotiating. Our people are actually speaking now. We’ll see what happens, but anything I can do to help Canada I will be doing,” Trump told reporters, according to the Canadian Press.

When asked again, Trump replied, “I would. At Justin’s request, I will actually bring it up,” Reuters reports.

The two Canadians, former diplomat Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor, have been detained in China since shortly after Canada’s arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on a U.S. extradition warrant. Relations between the two countries have since soured.

It has been more than six months since Kovrig, who works for an international think tank, and Spavor, who has worked extensively in North Korea, have been detained, with the Chinese authorities only recently officially charging them with gathering state secrets.


SNIP: One of my favorite Trudeau memes. Enjoy.

12 Comments on Trump Promises Trudeau He Will Raise Case of Detained Canadians With Chinese Leader at G20

  1. Trump specifically said, “If he asks me”. Trump will let the prissy little girl grovel first.
    After he insults the president repeatedly he has to come begging. No wonder he sat there looking so meek and sheepish. Trumps also making him work the dems for the trade approval.
    Well played Mr. President!

  2. Little sparkle socks has the identical brow ridge and thick heavily bushed eyebrows as his daddy. There’s no mistaking the striking resemblance.
    It seems the DNA must carry the communist inclinations also.

  3. Trudy was a little heavy on the eye makeup. The young lass doesn’t realise that it makes him look a bit slutty. He should get some tips from Ivanka or Melania they are much more elegant and don’t have that pig nose like that Trudy’s Husband Sophie Gregoire has.

  4. Idiot doesn’t realize he can cut food shipments (esp pork & beef) to China and stop them from buying a Canadian gold mine they are interested in just like the POTASH/BHP Billiton sale was blocked by “INVESTMENT CANADA ACT”. But RED TAPE is only to be used against Canadians under Trudy’s government.

  5. Fox Nooz top of the hour radio blurb last night was implying that perhaps Trump calling off an Iran strike had something to do with Justin Trudeau being at the WH. PDJT taking advice from Mr. happy socks? Hardly.

  6. The World has no respect for weak Leaders…Remember under 0webama,

    Air Force One pulled up , with no Boarding Gate/Access?

    Then there was the time at 0we’s first Summit…They had to find

    Him a Folding Chair…As there was no room at the Big Boys Table.

  7. Funny thing about Canada. A few years ago a restaurant in Montreal was fined. It seems that this restaurant was not considered to be in an area where tourists would go but it had signs in English. That is a big no-no in Montreal.

    In Richmond, just south of Vancouver (Richmond is the city where the Vancouver airport is), you see signs in Chinese with no English. Even big chain stores have their names in Chinese as well as English on their outside walls.

  8. Try to remember folks that Canada honored an extradition request from the US to arrest and hold the Senior VP of Finance of Huwai corporation (and the daughter of the founder) and the US has taken months to prepare a case to go before a Vancouver Judge. The Chinese threatened Canada diplomatically, then cut off all investment and financial ties and when we still wouldn’t let her go (and the states still hadn’t produced a case) they cancelled all soybean purchases and when that wouldn’t work they cancelled all pork purchases and sometime in the middle of all that they arrested two Canadians and made it clear their freedom will rest on Canada letting the Huwai exec leave. As far as I know the US still hasn’t presented it’s case. So Yeah, Trump ought to ask about the two Canadians because as much of an asshole Trudeau is this isn’t a favor.


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