Trump Pulls Endorsement Of Mo Brooks – IOTW Report

Trump Pulls Endorsement Of Mo Brooks

Kingmaker: Trump Pulls Endorsement Of Senate Candidate After Going “Woke”; Here’s What Else He Said-

Blue State Conservative:
by Gen Z Conservative
If Trump endorsements weighed anything, they’d be worth their weight in gold to the candidates receiving them. Unfortunately for Mo Brooks, Trump just pulled his endorsement from the Alabama Republican who’s not doing great in the 2022 Senate race. He announced as much in a statement, saying:

Mo Brooks of Alabama made a horrible mistake recently when he went “woke” and stated, referring to the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, “Put that behind you, put that behind you,” despite the fact that the Election was rife with fraud and irregularities. If we forget, the Radical Left Democrats will continue to Cheat and Steal Elections. Just look at what is happening in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and elsewhere, but tremendous progress has been made that will help us in 2022 and 2024. The 2020 Election was rigged, and we can’t let them get away with it. read more

15 Comments on Trump Pulls Endorsement Of Mo Brooks

  1. Why would any hardcore conservative suggest we “Put that behind us”? We better figure out a way to ram it down their throats right after the mid terms and get this evil regime of retards out of office before we’re all broke, homeless, on foot, and glowing in the dark.

  2. He should have been shouting it from the Capitol steps that Trump was cheated out of the election this whole time. All Republicans should have also. Screw Moe Brooks.

  3. My hope is that we will get the chance to “ram it down their throats” because the next election was fair and proper.

    Despite claims above that say, “tremendous progress has been made that will help us in 2022 and 2024”, I’m not convinced of that. I’m not convinced that much progress has been made at all about mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and signature verification. In Fact, it is my belief that whatever shenanigans occurred last go around (and there were many) those will pale in comparison to what a now emboldened dem party will attempt next go around.

    You could heap more misery (times 10) on the average voter, misery involving impending WW3, a devalued dollar, and a heavy-handed government that does not value its citizens, all this is meaningless without an accountable, reliable, and enforceable electory process.

  4. That’s why I say we have no hope for change except by force. This country has been taken over by corrupt politicians for over 45 years. Everyone one that in government from the past 45 years has baggage. They all need to be put on trial and investigated.i do home work ….. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  5. @Brad: “before we’re all broke, homeless, on foot, and glowing in the dark.”

    Until then, my plan is to live each day as if it were my last. We’re all helpless so some extent and they know it. A civil war might just happen.

  6. @Rich — Being IOTW’s resident Pollyanna, these words come hard for me, but you’re right. The Democrats and their Leftist/Globalist associates went full-on, in-your-face election fraud in 2020. They were piloting various ways in various regions/counties up ’til then, but the steal was so obvious in the states that gave the election to O’Brandon, there is no mistaking it. Now, take Mesa County in CO (Grand Junction’s municipal school board and miscellaneous statute election in ’22. The most recent forensic audit of that election turned up even more sophisticated plug-n-play software to the Dominion machines that is undetectable in an ordinary audit. The only way techs found it was by sophisticated technology of their own — nothing that is used by county election clerks and their auditors. I read through most of the 83 pages of that forensic audit.

    It’s a given at this point that Dominion’s machines are wide open to external manipulation whether it’s via thumb drives, wireless or wired comm on the internet, etc. And their databases aren’t even cross-dependent (can’t remember the name for it just now); they were never written that way AND ALL interdependent database software IS by STANDARDS that have been well-established for decades. Gee, I wonder why that is?! Even a non-techy can understand why.

    All to say: The entire electronic election systems across the country have got to be scrapped! Entirely. All they are, are a way more effective Tammany Hall for the 21st century.

  7. Rich

    “Despite claims above that say, “tremendous progress has been made that will help us in 2022 and 2024”, I’m not convinced of that. I’m not convinced that much progress has been made at all about mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and signature verification.”

    There hasn’t. The GOP leaderships answer is to put more people in place to watch the cheat and do nothing about it. My question is, since when was the DNC put in charge of our electoral process.
    There’s a good chance things will get bad enough where a lot of people, both sides, will want to pursue the big cheat. I think we’re headed down that path.
    If they cheat in the mid terms and get away with it, invest in ammo futures.

  8. @AA

    There is nothing wrong with being a Pollyanna; being charitable and forgiving, offering the benefit of the doubt, and trying to find the good side of folks is what our faith is all about. But being vigilant and willing to battle evil is also a part of it.

    We live in perilous times and our country will not survive even another decade unless good people take it upon themselves to defend it and smite its enemies, even those that hide within its confines.

  9. I’m a victim of circumstance, whoop, oop, oop,oop… Woke? who’s gay? Sounds like a stretch of the term Woke to me. Dropping like flies is more like it. And another one bites the dust.


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